You're gay?

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Camila had made her way back to her and Dinah's apartment and saw her friend laying on the couch as soon as she walked in. Camila closed the door and sighed a little bit. She hadn't realized she had been standing there for a while till her friend called her. "Mila?" Dinah asked from the couch. "Are you okay?"

Camila turned around and made her way over to the couch and sat down beside her best friend. Dinah looked at her friend with a confused look on her face,"Hey, are you alright? You seem weird. I mean you're usually always weird but it's different this time, I don't know. What's wrong? Did something bad happen at the interview?"

Camila looked at her friend. "I-I thought it went alright," she stuttered. She didn't know why she was stuttering. But then she remembered Lauren.

"Why are you stuttering? What happened?" She asked, smacking her friends knee. She was getting impatient and wanted to know what happened that made the older girl so quiet.

"She's incredible," Camila finally said.

"I could've told you that," Dinah told her.

"She's so beautiful," Camila continued.

"Yeah, she is. I would go gay for her." Dinah told her with a chuckle.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows and turned to look at her,"you would?"

"Obviously. She's fucking hot."

Camila had to agree with Dinah. She couldn't help but feel a little jealous when Dinah said that though and she had no idea why. She couldn't possibly have a crush on someone she just met that day. But after thinking about it for a while, Camila had realized that she was attracted to the artist. "She's taking me out for coffee tomorrow," Camila told Dinah.

Dinah raised her eyebrows,"okay, so it went really well."

Camila shook her head. "It's not like that. We didn't have enough time to answer all the questions so we're gonna finish them up tomorrow."

"You don't think it would kinda be like a date too though?" Dinah asked her.

Camila shook her head again. "I don't think so."

She sighed for the tenth time in the last hour. She couldn't wait to see Lauren again tomorrow though.


Camila felt the butterflies when she saw the familiar black limo pull up. Leo had come out of the drivers side and greeted her,"good evening Ms. Cabello. How are you today?" He asked her as he opened the back door for her.

"I'm doing well, thank you. How about yourself?" She asked, getting into the limo.

"Never better," he smiled at her.

Camila had gotten in and saw the beautiful artist sitting on the other side of the window. "Camila," Lauren nodded her head at her.

"Lauren," Camila smiled at her.

Leo closed the door and soon they were heading towards the café. "How are you doing today?" The artist asked.

"I'm alright. How are you?" Camila asked her sweetly.

"Better now that you're here," Lauren smiled.

Camila's face went serious and she felt her cheeks heating up. She didn't know how to respond to that. "That's sweet," she ended up saying. She knew her face looked like a tomato by the way Lauren was smirking at her.

"If I'm being honest, I was really looking forward to see you," Lauren told her. "I was really disappointed that we couldn't finish. I really hope I didn't get you into trouble by your professor."

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