Life of the Party

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It had been about another hour before Camila had finally picked an outfit. Just a simple black dress and black heels. She curled her hair and sprayed on her favorite perfume and sat on the couch to wait for Lauren to arrive. A couple of minutes later she heard a knock at her door. Camila smiled once she saw the artist. "Why didn't you just text me? I could've gone downstairs."

"No, I wanted to come and get you," Lauren smiled. "I don't even get a hello?"

"Hello babe," Camila said and pecked her lips after they hugged.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse." Camila said and they left the apartment after. Once they got in the car, Lauren had plugged in the aux cord and played music from her phone which was the only thing that made noise for most of the way there.

"You look beautiful," Lauren complimented her.

Camila obviously blushed and thanked her. There was a song that really caught Camila's attention and she smiled, recognizing it.

"I love it when you just don't care

I love it when you dance like there's nobody there"

She looked at Lauren who was paying attention to the road. "I love this song," she told her, which made Lauren turn her head to face her.


"Yeah, I love Shawn Mendes," Camila smiled.

"Me too. He is such a good singer," Lauren told the younger girl.

Camila found herself singing along to the chorus.

"We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes

'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry

So baby be the life of the party

I'm telling you to take your shot, it might be scary

Hearts are gonna break

'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry

So baby be the life of the party"

Lauren looked at Camila with her eyes slightly widened. "Wow, Camz. You got a pretty good voice there."

Camila blushed once again. Lauren always made her blush. "Thanks."

"This will be like our song now," Lauren told her.

Camila smiled and agreed. "This will be our song then."

Then they both sang the song at the top of their lungs.


They arrived at the club about twenty minutes later. Camila had noticed that the name of the club was Karma. They had walked in and instantly heard the loud music blaring through the speakers. Lauren led Camila to the VIP section and Camila was confused until she forgot who Lauren was. Lauren must have had always gotten VIP when she went to places. Camila thought. They sat down on a comfy couch and Lauren leaned over to Camila, having to yell a little since the music was so loud. "Want me to get you a drink?" Lauren asked her.

"That'll be great," Camila yelled back.

"What do you want?"

"Surprise me," Camila smiled.

Lauren smirked and headed over to the bar area. Camila glanced around at the club. It was pretty big and she noticed that it had two floors. There were people on a second level dancing as well. She glanced at the dance floor and saw exactly what Dinah had said. Drunk, sweaty, smelly people. But Camila was gonna have try her best to have fun tonight. She was with Lauren so how could she not? Lauren returned and handed Camila a red drink with a straw. "Thank you," Camila said. "What is this?"

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