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The week was going by pretty quickly for Camila. Each day seemed to go by faster than the one before. She knew she was ready to interview Ms. Jauregui, she just didn't know why she was so damn nervous. It was Wednesday night when Camila was going over her questions in her room. She was asking the questions to herself in the mirror. She had heard a knock on the door and she went to answer it. She opened it and saw Dinah. "Hey Mila," Dinah said, walking into her room.

"Hey Dinah," Camila sighed, as she returned to the mirror.

"What's wrong?" Dinah asked as she sat on Camila's bed.

"Nothing. I'm just going over the questions for tomorrow."

"Oh, right. The interview is tomorrow right?"


"Are you upset about that or something?" Dinah asked, noticing her friends frustration.

Camila sighed again, running a hand through her hair," I'm just so fucking nervous," she told her.

Dinah got up from the bed and began to run her arms," don't worry Mila. You're gonna do great. I already know," she smiled.

"How do you know I won't mess up or anything?" Camila asked her, eyes squinting.

"Because...,"she trailed off. "You're Camila Cabello. You're not the type of person who fucks things up. You're gonna do great, you'll see." Her friend encouraged her as she patted her shoulders and started heading towards the door. "Well I wish you luck with your interview tomorrow. I'm gonna head to bed."

Camila looked at her clock on her nightstand and furrowed her eyebrows, looking back at Dinah,"it's eight." She told her.

"I know," the taller girl said. "I have to get up earlier than usual tomorrow cause I gotta stop at the library for a book."

Camila furrowed her eyebrows," you're going to the library? You? Dinah Jane?"

"Yes, you little bitch, I am. I have to get one for some stupid bullshit story we're gonna be reading in English," Dinah told her.

"Oh, alright. Well goodnight," Camila told her.

"Goodnight," Dinah told her, before closing the door.

Camila went back over to her mirror and looked at herself. She ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes. She kept breathing in and out, trying to get rid of her nerves. She opened her eyes and felt a little more relaxed. The reason she was so nervous was because she's never done an interview like this. She wasn't going to interview the librarian or some lady in the front office. No. She was gonna interview an actual artist. Someone who was actually known for their work. That is what made the butterflies in Camila stomach. She hoped she world make a good impression. "Well," she said, looking at herself in the mirror," let's hope tomorrow goes well," and with that she headed to bed.


The light was shining through the little parts of the curtains that were open. Camila opened her eyes and saw the morning light. Oh shit. She slowly got up and rubbed the sleep for her eyes. After doing her regular morning routine, she started driving towards her school. She parked on the parking lot and headed towards the library. Mr. Henderson was waiting outside the door, waiting for Camila. "Hey," he said once she had reached him. "How are you?"

"Nervous," Camila chuckled. "Is she here?"

"She's right in there," he pointed to the library door. "I just met her. She seems really nice so you'll be fine. Good luck Camila," he patted her shoulder.

"Thank you, " she told him as she saw watched him head towards the other classrooms. She turned back to the library door and sighed as her hand touched the handle. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. She oped the door and headed towards the table were she saw the back of her head. "Um, hello?"

Ms. Jauregui turned around and looked at Camila. Camila's mouth opened for a bit. She couldn't believe how beautiful this woman was. Her beautiful green eyes and pale skin. The way her dark hair was laying on her shoulders.

"Hi, Ms. Cabello?" she asked. Camila nodded. Ms. Jauregui stretched out her hand. "Nice to meet you Ms. Cabello. I'm Lauren Jauregui."

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