Going Out

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Lauren had kept saying a bunch of things that could maybe help Camila feel a little better, but they weren't helping. Everything's gonna be fine Camz. This will put an end to you trying to figure out who it is. This bastard will pay for what he did. Just breathe Camz. Breathe. But that was something Camila was having trouble doing. Breathing. To her, it felt like all the air had been sucked out of her lungs. She couldn't believe she actually got the phone call she had been waiting for for the past three years. Maybe what Lauren had said was true and this can finally end her always wondering who it was. It was someone out there in the world. They were just living life and were being happy. That person had taken everything from Camila. She was honestly nervous to see the persons face. The officer on the phone said it was a male so she knew to expect a male face. She just couldn't believe that this day came. She wish it came sooner, but it was here.

Soon both girls were headed into the police station and when they went to the front desk and when Camila said who she was, they called an officer from the back to come meet them. A tall, make officer came out and shook both of their hands. "Hello, Ms. Cabello. I'm officer Jones. I'm the one who spoke to you on the phone."

Camila shook his hand. She didn't respond because she still couldn't talk. Officer Jones furrowed his eyebrows when she didn't respond and he turned to Lauren and raised his eyebrows. "She's still shocked about everything, I'm sorry," Lauren apologized.

"No, it's fine. I'm not surprised, I'd be shocked too if I was in your position," he told Camila. "And you are?" He asked looking back at Lauren.

"Oh, I'm Lauren," she told him and they shook hands.

"And you know Ms. Cabello how?"

"I'm her girlfriend," she smiled.

"Oh, alright. Well if you could please follow me to the back," he said and they started walking to a room were a there was another officer. "He's still in there right?" Officer Jones asked the other officer.

He nodded and Jones told Camila to head into a room were the man was. Camila had felt so many butterflies in her stomach and not the good kind. She headed in and finally saw the man. The man who ruined everything. He had light, dirty skin and his head was shaved. This wasn't really what Camila was expecting. But then again, Camila didn't know what to expect. He had cuffs on and they were attached to the table. She slowly sat down in the seat across from him. She thought back to a moment when she was discussing this with Dinah.

~ Flashback ~

It had been six months since Camila's parents died when Camila and Dinah had gone to the beach one summer day. Camila had been living with Dinah and her family and felt like she wanted a day with just them two. So they headed to the beach and we're currently laying on their towels in the hot sun. "You know, I've been thinking," Camila began. "About the person. The person who killed them. It...It kills me that I don't know who did it. They're just...They're just out there...living their life and...," she trailed off.

She was sitting up by now and Dinah had done the same. She was looking at he friend with a concerned expression and began to rub her shoulder. "You want them to pay for what they did?" Dinah asked.

Camila nodded and looked at her. "I don't know who they are. I don't know what they look like. I don't know if it was a male or female. They could be anywhere. They could even be at this beach right now with us and we wouldn't even know. They don't deserve to have freedom. They don't deserve to be out, living their life. They're a murderer," she finished. By know tears were spilling down her face and Dinah continued to rub her shoulder.

"Look," Dinah started. "Your parents loved the hell out of you. You were their everything. Your were their life. I've never seen parents love their kid as much as your parents did you. And you need to know that, okay?" Dinah asked, her eyes also getting watery. "They loved you so much Camila. I know that they're looking down on you right now. They're always gonna be watching you and they're never gonna stop loving you. They will always be with you. At your wedding, when you have kids. They will always be there."

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