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5 years later

I think my coffee machine was broken. I had been standing at the little machine for about twenty minutes and the black liquid still hadn't come out. I smacked the machine really hard and it finally came out. The sweet smell instantly started to flow around the apartment. I filled my cup before I headed over to check on Dinah. I had asked her to stay over last night to hang out like she had told me to all those years ago. Nothing's changed that and we still catch up all the time even though she's engaged and her stomach is about to pop with her little baby girl inside.

I couldn't even explain how excited I was for my best friend when she told me she was pregnant. She only has a couple weeks left now and I can't wait to meet her. I know she's gonna make a great mom. "Dinah," I called out and peeked my head in through the door. All you could see was her messy hair sticking out by the pillows. I heard her groan and I chuckled while heading over to the bed and sitting down by her. "I'm gonna head to the studio. Are you gonna be okay?" I asked her.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. She got up and had her back up against the headboard. "Yeah, I'll be alright. You go ahead and go," she smiled at me.

"Okay," I returned her smile and kissed her cheek then her belly.

I left my apartment and headed towards the studio. I arrived a couple of minutes later and headed inside. I wore some sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt because if I'm gonna paint, why am I gonna wear nice clothes if I'm just gonna get all messy with it? I really like getting into it and getting all messy because I feel like that is the best kind of art. When you put your all into it, it can come out beautiful. The studio I went to had lots of people. Everyone was able to come and just paint whatever they wanted. As I was walking over to an empty canvas, I saw someone familiar that I knew painting. I walked closer and saw that it was Normani. We had hung out multiple times because of Dinah when she wanted to go out or have a movie night. I had gotten closer to her and Ally a lot because of that and I was really grateful for that because I got two new friends. "Mani?" I asked as I got closer to her.

She turned around at the sound of my voice and smiled once she saw me. "Hey Camila," she got up to give me a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," I chuckled. "I had no idea you painted."

She let out a little laugh. "Yeah, I just recently got into it. Have you painted a long time?"

"Well, yeah. I mean ever since you know...," I trailed off.

"Oh, yeah," her face saddened. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay. It's good to talk about it sometimes. Painting just keeps reminding me of her you know?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, I'll let you get back to your art,"I said before giving her one last hug. I headed back over to the empty canvas and sat down. What do you want to paint today? I asked myself. I decided on a library. Since Mani had me start thinking about her I decided to paint the place where we first met. We met because of an interview and I find that so crazy. What if Mr. Henderson hadn't picked me to interview her? We wouldn't have had this crazy journey together. When we met back all those years ago it was crazy. I would have never expected anything to be like the way it is now. I still remember when we first met.

~ Flashback ~

"Um, hello?"

Lauren turned around to the sound of the voice and was surprised to see a young, attractive girl in front of her. "Ms. Cabello?" she asked, remembering the name that Mr. Henderson told her earlier. The other girl nodded and Lauren smiled and put out her hand. "Nice to meet you Ms. Cabello. I'm Lauren Jauregui."

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