The Truth

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You're gonna be okay Camila. You're gonna be okay. Camila kept saying that in her head over and over again. She was on her way to the police station with Dinah and she had felt so many butterflies in her stomach. She knew it was normal to be this nervous. So she didn't really worry about it. Today she was finally gonna talk. To him. She knew she had to get it over with sooner or later. If she wanted to move on with her life she had to do this.

"Hey," Dinah said as they were stopped at a red light.

Camila turned away from the window. "What's up?"

"I know you think I've probably told this a lot of times, but today is gonna be okay alright?" Dinah looked at her for a second before the light turned green and she started driving again. "Once you're done talking to him you never have to see him again. You can be done with this and you can finally move on. You can have a fresh start and you won't have to worry anymore."

Camila smiled at her friend and looked back out of the window. "It's okay that you me told me a lot. I need that kind of positivity. And I'm thankful that you're here and that you're here for me. I really appreciate it Dinah."

"I'm always gonna be here for you," Dinah rubbed her friends shoulder. "No matter what okay?"

"Okay," Camila smiled. She looked back out of the window when she heard her stomach grumbling. It was so loud she was surprised that Dinah hadn't heard it. Since she was sitting right next to her. "Hey, um did you hear that?" She asked.

Dinah looked at her. "Hear what?" She asked confused, her eyebrows furrowed.

"My stomach grumbling," Camila answered.

"Uh, no. I didn't. You hungry? You wanna stop and get something to eat?" The taller girl asked.

"Can we?" Camila asked hopefully.

"Of course we can loser," Dinah nudged her shoulder.

They ended up stopping at a dinner on the way. It was about noon and neither of the girls had eaten. "Can we get breakfast?" Camila asked.

"I think it's breakfast all day right?" She looked around the restaurant, trying to find a waitress. She flagged one down and asked if they were able to. "Do you guys sell breakfast all day?"

"We do," the waitress smiled. "What would you guys like to order?"

Dinah got French toast while Camila got a stack of pancakes. "Hey," Dinah started once the waitress left. "How are things going with you and Lauren? Everything good?"

"You mean like with the with the whole smoking situation?" Camila asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," Dinah nodded. "That."

"Well we worked everything out and she told me she's gonna be honest with me from now on. I just wanna move past this and so does she. We're gonna be mature adults and be honest with each other," she finished explaining.

"Wow," Dinah's eyebrows were raised. "You guys are serious about this huh?"

Camila nodded. "Things are gonna be good from now on. And getting today over with, it really is gonna be a great new start."

"That's good Mila," Dinah rubbed her hand from across the table.

Their breakfast then came and they both stuffed their faces. They knew they had to head to the station soon, so they paid and took off. They got to the station about ten minutes later and they immediately saw Officer Jones once they entered. "Hello Officer Jones," Camila smiled.

He turned around at the sound of her voice and gave her a small smile and nodded at Dinah. "Ah, hello Ms. Cabello."

"I'm ready for today. I wanna get this over with," Camila nodded confidently.

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