I need you

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Dinah was shocked to hear all that her friend had to say. She didn't really believe it, but by the way Camila explained it she knew she was serious. "So all of that happened?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Yup," Camila said, looking at her friend. "It all just seems crazy to me."

"Let me ask you something," Dinah told her.

"What's up?" Camila asked.

"So, you like this artist right?" She asked. Camila nodded and Dinah continued. "Like you really, really like her? So are you gay or...?"

Camila thought about it for a second. Was she gay? She wasn't exactly sure of her sexuality. She had boyfriends before, but this was the first time that she felt attracted to a woman. "I'm not exactly sure. What do you think it means?"

Dinah thought about it for a second,"I mean, I think it could. I'm not sure though."

"Well, me neither. All I know is that she's fucking hot," Camila said, standing up from the couch.

"Did you just realize that or...?" Dinah asked her.

"Well I mean I knew she was good looking, but it was just when I saw her that I realized that she was...really good looking," Camila told her.

"So what do you thinks gonna happen between you two?" The younger girl continued asking her questions.

"I don't know honestly. We'll see what happens," she told her heading upstairs.


This girl was something different. I've only seen her twice, but I feel so connected to her. I don't even know what it is, but there's something different about her. I feel like I have to know her. I wanna know her better. I wanna be a friend to her. Hopefully maybe even more than friends in the future. I just can't seem to tell her how I feel though. I don't even know what I feel when I'm with her it's just something different. It's a good different. I just don't wanna tell her anything and then freak her out or something. What if she doesn't even feel the same way? I know it seems crazy for me to be acting like this over someone I barely know but it's her. She has this crazy effect on me. All I know is that I want her to be in my life. But she did kiss me. That obviously means something.

A knock at the door interrupted Camila's typing and she turned her head to see who it was. Dinah popped her head out through the door. "Hey, what are you doing?"

Camila's eyes widened a bit and looked at the screen of her laptop and hoped that her friend couldn't read the words on the screen. "Um, I'm working on an assignment." She lied quickly.

Camila was never really good at lying, but it was believable because Dinah only nodded. "Okay, well I'm going out with some friends. You wanna come?"

"Where are you guys going?" Camila asked her.

"We're gonna go out to eat and probably gonna go bowling after. It should be fun. You wanna go?" She asked her once again.

"Uh..." Camila trailed off and looked back at her laptop. "I really should finish this assignment. You go ahead. Have fun," she said.

"Alright. I shouldn't be home late," Dinah said as she left.

Once Camila heard the front door close and she knew she was alone, she started typing again.

What am I doing now? Now I'm not going out so I could write about some woman who I barely know? This isn't like me. I don't get big crushes or obsess over someone like I am with Lauren. What the hell is this woman doing to me? She's never gonna feel the same so I should just stop now before I get hurt. But I can't help but feel that maybe she does feel the same way. What if I'm not alone on this? What if she's typing about me on her laptop about the exact same thing I'm feeling right now? But how could an artist like that feel that way about me? I'm not special. There is nothing different about me. She could have anyone. Why me? So just except that you're never gonna have her Camila. Get that through your damn head. I feel like the what happened at the café was just something she didn't really mean.

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