Meeting the Jauregui's

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"So you're really gonna meet her parents?" Dinah asked Camila as she watched her doing her makeup, getting ready for tonight to meet Lauren's parents. Camila nodded. "So you guys are getting pretty serious, huh?"

"Yup," Camila said, popping the "p" at the end. "How do I look?" She said, turning to face her friend.

"You Yeah, hot." Dinah nodded, trying to find the right words.

"Dinah!" Camila exclaimed. "I can't look hot. I need to look like...presentable or something and like...mature."

"And you do," Dinah told her. "But you also look very hot."

Camila sighed, "thanks Dinah."

"Welcome Mila."

"I just really want them to like me. I've never really met the parents of the people I've dated. Well maybe some I think. But this is serious. Like things are going really good between me and Laur and I don't wanna fuck things up by them not liking me," she sighed frustrated. "I just want tonight to go smooth."

"And it will," Dinah told her, getting up from the bed to stand behind her friend and rub her shoulders. "They're gonna love you. You're sweet and you don't notice it, but you're just genuinely a nice person. You are mature so you don't need to act like it. You're not going by yourself you know? Lauren's gonna be there with you and you guys are gonna have a really great time."

Camila sighed and finally relaxed her shoulders. "What would I do without you?" Camila asked her as she turned around and hugged her friend.

"I have absolutely no idea," Dinah chuckled, hugging her back. "Just tell me how it goes okay?"

"I will," Camila said and then they both heard a knock at the front door.

"Your girls here," Dinah said and headed to her room.

Camila sighed and looked at herself in the mirror one last time, making sure she looked alright. Then she headed to answer the door were she saw her girlfriend smiling at her. "Hey babe," Lauren said as she pecked her girlfriends lips. "You look great."

"Really? I look okay?" Camila asked nervously.

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. "You okay? Are you nervous?"

She sighed once again, "I just wanna make a good impression, that's all. I've never really done this kind of thing before."

"Oh, baby don't worry. It's just dinner. My parents aren't like that. They're really cool, you guys are gonna get along. I want them to meet my amazing girlfriend."

Camila blushed and looked down. "Aw Laur."

Lauren smiled at her girlfriends cuteness and kissed her cheek. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse." Camila said. Then they both headed out of the apartment. Camila was a little confused on the way there since they were going through a bunch of trees and empty fields. "Where do your parents live exactly?"

Lauren turned her head to look at her. "Um, there's actually a lot of houses up on that hill," she said, pointing to a hill they were headed to. "My parents have lived there for a couple of years."

"Oh, I see," Camila nodded. Soon they reached Lauren's parents house and Camila's jaw dropped when she saw the huge house that they lived in. Lauren parked in the driveway and made her way over to open Camila's door to open it for her. She slowly got out, "y-your parents live here?" She stuttered.

"Uh, yeah ha. Surprised?" Lauren chuckled at her girlfriends reaction.

"Uh, yeah."

"We used to be broke. But when I started painting and when my work got big, the first thing I did was but this house for my family," she said, nodding her head to the house.

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