Chapter 13- Cassian

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I honestly didn't expect what happened during the fight. It all started great, she was looking for a sword while I was warming up. It was pretty simple really, unbalance her because she probably had an awful position, and then point one of my swords to her heart. Effectively winning the fight, without hurting her. I wasn't worried about myself, I was faster and stronger than her. She chose a sword I didn't even know we had, and warmed up. A few stretches and such, then she turned around to look at me. I met her stare, but couldn't seem to look away, her eyes always seemed to pull me in, like waves carrying me out to my doom. She takes a second to look me up and down, for some reason I started to feel a little insecure until she asked.

"What are those?"

"These are siphons, used for magic. Most warriors only need one but after they realized I had more than the usual, they gave me more."

"So your bringing magic into a fight with a defenseless human?"

"Scared you can't take it?"

"You wish!"

We get into our starting positions, and examine each other. I have to admit I was not expecting her to have such good training. She doesn't depend too much on either side, and her stance is perfectly balanced. We circle around each other and she twirls her sword from hand to hand. I decide that enough is enough and attack her first. I got for her right arm while also kicking from under, to get her off centered. She quickly blocked the sword and jumped over my attempt on her legs. I wasn't going to give up that easily and lifted my sword again, feigning right again but going for her left shoulder. She didn't even fall for it, and just blocked it. She looked like she was getting bored. I kept trying to find an opening, or to get some sort of advantage but blocked, or dodged every single one. I hadn't noticed that she hadn't attacked and had stayed on defense until she went on offense. She was ruthless, were she attacked on one side she would kick on the other side. I realized that this wasn't going to be as easy of a fight as I thought, and decided that she could take it if I went harder. So I started attacking with more force and with more fae speed. She must have known that she couldn't beat me in strength so she started moving faster, making it harder to land a blow on her. She finally managed to scratch me on my shoulder, and she smirked at how the first blood was because of her blow. I looked at the scratch in shock, forgetting that I was still fighting her. Big mistake, the second I stopped paying attention to her she attacked with more fury and speed than before. I managed to stop some of the attacks and to scratch her a few times. I was getting frustrated, and I could tell that she was doing it on purpose. If I was more focused on just hitting her I wouldn't take calculated moves and I would mess up. I was right, but at the time I wasn't thinking clearly. I would not let a human beat me, so I lifted my sword over my head, aiming to just hurt her in some way. Unintentionally, leaving my left side open. I realized a second too late that I shouldn't have done that. She blocked my sword and kicked me in the ribs. Then she preformed a move on my sword to make it drop out of my hand, at the same time kneeing me in the gut, knocking the air out of my lungs. I doubled over and she pushed me down. I wasn't going to go down that easily, so I used my siphons to shoot some black daggers at her. She dodged some but one of them hit her in the thigh. That didn't seem to slow her down, she just kept approaching me and blocking the daggers with the sword. When she made it to me, I had already put up a shield around myself. I didn't seem to make any difference because her sword seemed to glow like some sort of fire and she cut through the shield. I really didn't know were that sword came from, but there was something else about it. She aimed the sword to my heart and I met her eyes, she seemed to be struggling to contain something inside her. What does she need to keep hidden? I surrendered when I realized that I couldn't beat her. She helped me up, and only then did we realize it was deadly silent. Everyone was looking at us with shocked expressions, except Amren. She looked like she knew it would happen, how would she know that? What does she know that we don't? Celaena and I were both panting when we turned to each other. She still had one of the daggers in her thigh, and she had some cuts and scratches all over. 

"Well, that was fun."

"Yeah, we should do it again sometime." 

"I might just have to take you up on that offer." She said and winked. It was only then did I realize she had done the entire thing with only her left had.

"Are you left-handed or right-handed?" I ask her

"I'm good with both, but I'm better with my right hand." At this my eyes widened more than before. How did she beat me with her nondominant hand? What kind of training did she get for her to be so balanced? If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that Celaena just became a lot more interesting than we all thought.

There you go guys! A little late but yeah. Pls comment, I love reading them! Hope you enjoyed

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