Chapter 10- Cassian

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There is something about this Celaena girl. No one could deny that she is beautiful, with her luscious blonde hair and turquoise eyes. I don't understand why but whenever I'm near her I have a weird feeling. I can't explain it but I can tell for sure that I have never felt it before. There seems to be an aura of power to her. I decided this had something to do with her being from another world. She had already gone inside her room, and I went to the training room. There's really nothing like a good training exercise, stabbing the dummies with a knife, the satisfaction of seeing them engulfed by my magic. Never would I have thought of meeting Celaena there.

"I thought you just went into your room?"

"Yeah well, I haven't practiced in at least a month or something like that. It's hard to keep track of time when your locked up." She said this in a teasing tone, but I could hear an underlying tone of bitterness. As if she had felt trapped before, and didn't know when she would ever get out. This struck me as odd since she was only 19 years old.

"Do you want me to leave?" 

"Nah, it's ok, I want to see what you meant by saying you could destroy everything we cared about. It seems like a human couldn't do anything to harm us. I wouldn't mind a refreshment on how bad humans are compared to the Fae."

This seemed to get on her nerves. She looked at me straight in the eye, then grabbed a knife out of nowhere, and threw it at on of the dummies. It landed in between the eyes, piercing it's head. She then threw multiple more forming a perfect star. She did all of this without breaking eye contact, not that I was complaining. Her eyes where completely different when they where full of determination and smugness. I then realized I had been staring.

"That satisfy you oh mighty Fae lord? Cause I think I'll retire to my chambers, if that please you my lord."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was only saying that to annoy me. Of course it worked, and I looked away ready to destroy the dummy. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the training room. However not before pocketing a few of the daggers, which I decided to overlook. Who cares if she can throw a dagger? It was probably only luck. I thought back to the meeting with the human queens, and how we managed to get the other half of the Book of Breathings. What she wrote was worrying though, we had revealed the location of Velaris and if they gave it to the King of Hybern he would destroy it. I couldn't bare to think of that, so instead I thought of Rhysand and Feyre. I'm glad Rhys finally found his mate, he deserved someone that loved him like that, after everything he's been through. I hope they manage to have children, they would be adorable! I could teach them how to kill someone in three blows, or how to survive with nothing but a dagger and some feathers. As I continued to destroy the dummy, I thought of the future and how it could all change in a moment.

Hiiiii! So I am sooooooooooo sorry for the long wait. My school recently went back physically and I haven't had that much time to just waste. Luckily, Thanksgiving Breaks coming up soon so I'll be updating more then (hopefully). Again I'm soooooo sorry, and i hope you guys stay safe! See you next time! 

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