Chapter 3- Tarquin

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(I am so sorry if this does not sound like tarquin, I have no idea how to do his POV)

I was having lunch with Nostrus, Varian, Cresseida, and Brutius, when one of the servants came into the dining room. 

"My lord, it appears that someone has crashed through the roof into your office."

"Bring them to the throne room, we will meet them there."

The servant leaves and goes to retrieve this person, my cousins and I finish our lunch and make our way to the throne room. I definitely did not expect the person to be human, much less an unconscious human. We walk over to her and quickly inspect her appearance. She has golden-blonde hair, and looks like she couldn't be older than 18. I ask one of the servants what her injuries are and how come she was unconscious. The servant said that he had no idea, I then ask how she got into the summer court, he again says he doesn't know. I tell the servants to take this girl to one of the rooms, we call them that because they are really just nicer looking cells. They chain her up and leave her be.

*time skip 3 days*

It's been three days and the girl still hasn't woken up, I'm starting to think I should bring her to the high lord meeting to see if they can help her. High lords, ugh, more like scheming little piece of shits, that's what they are. Don't even get me started on the worst one, Rhysand. I invite him to my home and he STEALS from me, I thought he was different. I thought he would help me, like he did under the mountain. I shouldn't have expected much from Amarantha's whore, and Feyre. She seemed soo nice, she agreed with me about helping with the higher and lesser fae, but I was tricked again. All they did was earn my trust so that they could betray me. No matter, if they step into my territory, it's kill on sight. The servants unchain the girl and give her a bath, they then rechain her and winnow with me to the high lord meeting. 

We arrive at the winter court, they had agreed to host the meeting this time. My court had called the meeting. I don't know why but there is something about this girl that feels off, and I plan on finding out what that is. We make our way to the war room that has been altered to represent a meeting room. We are welcomed by Kallias and Viviane, they make small talk until the rest show up. First came the day court, then the dawn court, the autumn court, the spring court, and finally the night court. I wanted to wrap my arms around the high lords neck, but for the sake of the meeting I just pictured myself doing it. Once everyone was in their seats I start the meeting.

"I have called us here today because I have discovered something and have no idea what to do." I was not afraid to voice that I was inexperienced, everyone already knew.

"And what is this 'thing' you've discovered?" Asked Tamlin 

"I find it easier to show you, bring her in!" The guards open the door to see servants carrying the unconscious girl to the table. The high lords gasp, not because of the girl being unconscious, but because or her being human and had managing to get all the way to the summer court unnoticed. Everyone was thinking the same thing.......Who is this girl? 

"As you can see she is special, and I have no idea how to wake her up, if any of you know of a way go ahead and try it." Everyone of the courts tried different ways of waking her up but no one could do it. Rhysand steps forward to see if peering into her mind might help, and faster than anyone could notice there was a dagger at the High Lord of the Night Courts throat.

"Now that I have your attention," the girls said in a terrifyingly sweet voice, "Can someone tell me where the hell I am!"

I apologize again for how bad this chapter is, I had no idea how I wanted it to play out and I kinda just went with the flow. I hope you enjoyed!

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