Chapter 7- Celaena

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I am just going to say it, teleporting through shadows is  the WORST! It was cold, dark, and worst of all it ruined my hair. I'm just messing with you guys! Nothing can ruin my hair! Anyway, I disappeared from the Winter Court, good riddance I hate the cold, which is why I hated teleporting. We appear in a mountain, it was quiet, too quiet. I decided I highly disliked this place. 

"Sooooooo, what's your name? Cause, I don't feel like calling you shadow guy all the time."

"Azriel, or Az to my friends."

"Well Azriel, I haven't decided if I want to be your friend yet."

"Your not the only one, hurry up I have things to do."

"Oh, and what are these mysterious things that must be done?"

"Important things."

"Fine, be vague Mr. Vague. I'm sure I won't be here that long. Now, onwards to this mysterious Amren!"

I followed a fully annoyed Azriel through the halls. 3 minutes, new record! I wonder how long it will take me to annoy the others. We had stopped in front of a big set of doors, Azriel opened them and headed inside. I went in after him, making sure to look as confident as I could. Which, is not an easy task when you are 1. In a different world, 2. Surrounded by fae people, and 3. In the supposedly scariest court, with the meanest fae. Inside of the room there was a black throne, with a male that radiated darkness sitting on it. Sitting on his lap was a very pretty fae female. She radiated power, but I couldn't place what type of power. Azriel had gone back to the shadows, that seemed to move with him. There was a male with wings to the left of the guy on the throne. He had long hair and glowing stones all over him, he was trying to be intimidating but it only made him look funny. Next to this male there was a female with brown eyes and golden hair. Finally, on the right of the throne was the dark haired, silver-eyed fae female. However, she doesn't seem to be only fae, there is some sort of beast in her eyes. All in all, you could tell they where trying to scare me. Ha, as if. I am going to knock all of these pompous asses off of their high horses.   

"So you are the all powerful scary fae court, I'm not impressed."

They looked shocked, and confused. They must have not been used to people not bowing down, or begging for mercy. They will not going to be getting that from me, by the time I'm down with them they will be shaking in their shoes.

"I'm going to get to the point, I need help going back to my world and I heard that one of you might know how."

I pointed at Amren and said, "You recognized the name, you have either heard of it before or come from there." She looked pale, and I realized that she hadn't told these people everything about her.

"Ohhhh I see, fine. I will talk to you in private. As for the rest of you, you are dismissed!"

They looked at me like I was joking, obviously I was, but I kept a straight face until the one with wings started going to the door. I started laughing uncontrollably, "I was just kidding, honestly I'm surprised you actually took me seriously. Since I am in YOUR court, with people under YOUR control."

That seemed to snap the out of whatever shocked state they where in.

"My name is Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, Death Incarnate, Lord of Night, most powerful High Lord in..."

I interrupt him, "Wow, most powerful in history huh, how come it was so easy to put you in a choke hold then. I mean I was weak, I had been lying down for days, and I hadn't eaten anything. Some powerful High Lord you are!"

"How dare you! I will show you just how weak you are!"

I felt something go into my head, I don't know what I did or how I did it, but the thing felt so much like the one from when- NO don't think of that, you are Celaena Sardothien, not Her. The thing quickly exited my mind. Rhysand opened his eyes and looked at me with awe.

"How are you mind shields so strong?"

"Mind shields, what do you mean mind shields? I don't know anything about mind shields."

That just made him look confused.

"What do you mean, what do you mean? There is no possible way a human could have such a guarded mind, unless someone taught them how to guard their mind."

I am officially weirded out. What the hell is a mind shield? If this fae is so powerful, how had he not been able to break into my mind? I wasn't the only one that didn't know what was going on, by the looks of everyone else in the court this had never happened before. They all looked about ready to start asking questions when they suddenly stopped. It was as if someone was talking to them, and telling them to stay where they are. A mask when onto everyone's faces, ahhhh so they are not total jerks only acting like them. The girl on the High Lord's lap says,

"My name is Feyre, the fae male with wings to the left of Rhysand is Cassian, next to him is Morrigan, and on the other side of the throne is Amren."

"Let me guess, Amren is second in command that's why she has a side to herself. You are someone important to Rhysand, maybe his lover. Cassian is a general, I can tell with the way he carries himself. Finally Morrigan is third in command, and a sort of ambassador. It all matches up with some of the books I found, and Azriel's shocked face tells me that I got it right."

They all nodded, I bet because they didn't trust their voices. Then seemed to realize that I managed to see Azriel, which was weird. I mean who can't see him? They where about to start asking more questions but I didn't feel like answering. So, I just started talking before they could.

"Nice, well I need help and so far all you've done is try to break into my mind, and introduce yourselves. I guess it is only fair is I introduce myself as well. As you might already know, my name is Celaena Sardothien, I am from a different world and need help getting back. My world's name is Erilea and I need to get back! Now that that's settled I think you all might be very useful in my search. Not just Amren, but all of you."

They just nodded again, some all powerful court. They haven't even managed to say more than a few sentences to me!

"So, where do we start?"

Well, that was pretty bad. I didn't really know how I wanted that to play out. So if anyone has an idea, or a better way this could've gone please let me know. Anyway, comment on any ideas you guys might have. See you guys next time!

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