Chapter 4- Rhysand

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Italics is thoughts or conversation using the mind, and bold is authors notes

To say I was surprised when Tarquin called a meeting is an understatement. Feyre, Amren, and I had been trying to figure out how to get the other half of the Book of Breathings when a messenger came. The messenger carried a letter from Tarquin calling for a meeting about something important that he had found. I was not sure if it was a good idea to go considering the blood rubies that had been sent to us only a week ago. I decided that if we had any chance at getting allies for the upcoming war the best we could do was try to make peace with the summer court. I decided to take Amren with me, as it would be stupid to go alone. We prepared ourselves and winnowed to the Winter Court. We where the last ones to arrive and once we took our seats Tarquin began the meeting.

"I have called us here today because I have discovered something and have no idea what to do." Tarquin said, not afraid to voice that he was inexperienced.

"And what is this 'thing' you've discovered?" Asked Tamlin (the tooool) 

"I find it easier to show you, bring her in!"

In came a female figure with golden-blonde hair that seemed to be unconscious. We all gasped not at the girl being unconscious but at her being human. How is this possible?  A human making it past the spring court and into the summer without anyone noticing. who is this girl?

"As you can see she is special, and I have no idea how to wake her up, if any of you know of a way go ahead and try it." Everyone stepped forward one at a time and tried different methods of waking her up. Finally, when there was no one left but himself he go close to the girl ready to peer into her mind. Faster than I could notice I was pulled into a position that I couldn't get out of and with a knife at my throat. 

"Now that I have your attention," the girls said in a terrifyingly sweet voice, "Can someone tell me where the hell I am!"

We all looked at the girl shocked, who does she think she is!?! Threatening a High Lord! As if this tiny human could harm him. Beron looked like he was only barely restraining his anger and Amren looked like she was about ready to murder the girl.

"I will repeat myself one more time," the girl said when no answered, "WHERE THE HELL AM I!?!" I was the first to recover from my shock, even if she still held a knife to my throat I said the best I could without cutting myself. 

"You are in the Winter Court, in Prythian." I said matter of factly. I looked at her face the best I could and could only see her turquoise eyes, with a ring of gold in the center. 

"Prythian? Where the in Erilea is that?" she asked. Amren gasped, there was something like nostalgia in her eyes at the mention of this Erilea place.

"Erilea? There is no such place in the Fae lands!" Beron screeched.

"fae lands?" the girl said looking wonder struck, "faes still exist?" 

Now we were all confused a girl suddenly appears in the summer court, lives in a place called Erilea, and thinks the fae are dead. So as the rational leaders we are, we decided then and there that we were going to lock this girl up without hearing her out first. Not even knowing her name.

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