Chapter 8

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I woke up, but this time not to my alarm clock but to the sound of Octavia. 

"Bellamy hurry up were going to be late for school!" I hard Octavia yell from downstairs. Oh Shit!

I must've been to caught up on texting Clarke last night and trying to wreck that date. I must've forgotten to set the alarm for this morning.

I get up and throw on the first shirt that doesn't smell like it just came for the dumpster outside. Brush my hair back to its usual position (It never stays like that but I like to look as good as I can before I walk out the door) Then I find my Khaki shorts and Sperry's with my crew socks. 

I run down the steps, trip, then run to the car with my keys and backpack. Octavia looks up from her phone and looks annoyed as I get in the car.

"Listen Bell I know you had a long chat with your girlfriend last night but you need to keep your shit together." She said with no emotion but she had the family smirk plastered on her face. 

"Ya know I could say the same since you were texing Clarke's brother last night" I shot a snicker at her and started the car. I could sense the glare burning across her face. "I saw you exchange numbers, plus Clarke told me" I smirked and backed out of the driveway satisfied with myself. 

"I hate you" I heard her say under her breath which only caused me to smile harder. We drove to the school listening to Arctic Monkeys. I love Arctic Monkeys, If i met them i'd sequel like the biggest baby. 

We arive to school and I part in my usual spot. Being the baseball captain has its advantages, including the spot and respect. Especially since we had no football team because they all left to go to another school (I don't know why, don't ask) So now Baseball ran the show and school. I get my bat-bag because I have conditioning after school.

I turn off the music and get out of the car and look at Octavia. Shes wearing a dress that goes just below her ass and the lowest cut top I've ever seen.

"I didn't realized I've raised a slut" I said to her. I didn't like the outfit, at least not on my sister. She looked back shocked.

"You didn't, its not that bad Bell" She walks away and I now see shes wearing high heels. Jesus, What has gotten into her. 

"If I ever see you in this again I am going to drag you out  of the damn car and back to the house to change"  I look at her dead serious but she looks back as if its a joke.

"I dare you Bell, I will tell your little crush you abuse women" She winked then turned back around. All of the guys were looking at her with their perverted eyes. I wanted to punch all of them. I almost went up to one guy who was staring when I saw Clarke get out of the car.

She was wearing a short dress as well, with a low neckline as well. I liked it better on her than on O. I walked over to her trying to calm myself down, breathing slowly and walking slowly. 

"Hey Clarke" I look tell her without making eye contact and I got her bag out of her backseat. "Ill hold your bag until we get to your locker" I smiled and walked to the trunk where she was standing.

"Hey thanks bell!" I nodded and looked into her trunk to see what she kept in there. I saw her bat-bag and almost fainted. 

"No way! You play softball?!" I got some stares from how loud and obnoxious I was being. 

"Yeah!" She looked at he and saw that I was holding a bat-bag too and started pointing and freaking out like me. I don't know what it is but when a Baseball and Softball player meets they freak out, they respect each other because they're almost the same sport. 

"What positions do you play?" I asked her. Wanting to know everything because this is the first time we've had something alike.

"Pitcher and Infield, specifically first and third" She said smiling and looking at the ground. "How about you?"

"Pitcher and outfield" I laughed and began walking into the school, her following closely behind. I cant believe we have something in common. I mean we just seem so different, She seems so delicate and shy and I'm the exact opposite.

We reach her locker and I hand her her backpack and she stuffs it into the locker with her bat-bag. She had a problem closing it so I offered to help her close it but she just glared at me with this face that said "No, I got this" and slammed it shut. I felt like my teeth were shattering it was so loud. 

"So Princess, what's your first class today?" She looked at her schedule and said "Mr. Winters" Then out of nowhere Finn came up to Clarke and grabbed her shoulders.

"Me too Princess, I'll show you the way" He began walking her in the direction of the class, turned around to look at me and mouthed "Oops, sorry" with a smirk on his ugly face. 

I really hate this kid with a burning passion. 


Ok guys so as you may have guessed, I play softball XD And I know that that was a lot of softball/Baseball talk but I can tell you that a bat-bag is a bag you but your bats and helmets and everything in. You're welcome. 

But I know that not a lot of Bellarke is going on but when It does start, trust me it will be like dominoes falling. But yeah if you think I should change anything tell me because this chapter was an iffy. Thanks guys.

CHECK OUT MY BOOK "The Brave Princess" I bet it will not disappoint like this book.  night Love's.

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