Chapter 3

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Class had ended and I turned around with the biggest smile you could possibly imagine on a human being, to find Bellamy passed out on the desk. It was only me, him, and mr Jaha so I decided to wake him up by lightly, tapping his shoulder with minimum force.

He moved a little then slowly put his head up with a "where the hell am I face?". I gave him a minute to wake up before I told him class ended and we only have 3 minutes to find out class. He catapulted up and grabbed his things and said "so where to now, princess?" With that smirk that made her want to jump him. What no-. Stop it Clarke he's WAY too popular for you, and good looking, and kind, and literally everything else. I realised I've been siting there thinking to myself for the past minute and that he was looking at me eyebrows raised and smirk on.

"Ms. Ark" I said as I looked at my paper. "Ah good, same class again!" He said with enthusiasm. I think he noticed the enthusiasm because his cheeks turned rosy and he looked the other way mumbling something to him self.

"Why do I have to make everything weird around her?" I muffled as I turned my head to shelter my red cheeks from her gaze. I don't think she heard me but I think she got the idea of why I was turning around. I quickly said " Well I guess we better go now" checking my watch and practically ripping her arm off, dragging her to class with me.

All these girls were staring at is with faces that could burn through flesh. They hated me, and him together. I could see why, he wasn't ugly! And he wasn't skinny either. He was also perfectly tan. But everyone was around here so I guess that wasn't a real big deal.

I saw Finn as we were walking by and I wanted to snap my fingers in his face because he was staring at me like a creep. I noticed when we were in English that he was looking at my crotch, YUCK! He also tried to but his foot on mine, when I couldn't take it anymore I turned around trying to talk to Bellamy to show Finn that I had more interest in big strong Bellamy. Rather than thin flimsy Finn.

I realised we made it to class and our hands were in each other's. As we were running I guess Bellamy grabbed onto my hand instead of my arm. He looked like he didn't notice it either as he looked at our hands and then looked at me.

I looked at our hands wondering how it happened. I mean I'm not complaining. NO STOP! Bellamy she is way too pretty, scratch that, GORGEOUS for you.

I put a small frown on my face as I let go. Hoping she had one too. I told Mr. Ark that Clarke is a new student and she came from Montana. He replied with "well mrs Griffin, not much to do in Montana is there?" She replied with a strong "no" and giggle. "Well since Mr. Blake hasn't had a partner in bio for the past 2 months I don't see why you can't be his?" She looked at me with a smile and we say down on at our table.

I could barely keep a smile off my face. Partners. In. Bio. It's a start. By hey let me tell you that every friendship starts with a little push. I looked at her and made my smirk because I know that always makes her blush for some reason. She did. Haha. 1 point Bellamy 0 points Clarke.

I blushed, again. As he made that stupid ass smirk that made me wanna rip his clothes off. STOP IT CLARKE! I need to stop thinking these things that will never happen. Damnit. I wish they could be real :(

Class went by fast. Nothing special. Just the whole "mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" and stuff like that.
And there we go. Lunch time!

Hell yes! I thought to myself as I got up to go eat. Almost forgetting about Clarke, but who could forget those bright ass blond curls basically blinding me when I got up to head out of the door. "Hey clarke!" I yelled "Want me to show you the cafeteria?" She turned around and smiled. "Yeah sure!" She said with enthusiasm.

"Hey um... Clarke" said a voice from behind us. We turned around. "Do you wanna go out on a date later today?" Said Finn.

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