Chapter 12 (The End)

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Fast Forward 2 years (Be prepared for "The ending" ;))


I have never felt this feeling before. The love of a woman other than my sister. I always knew I liked Clarke but I never thought it would turn out like it did a few years ago.

Clarke is now asleep on the couch with a small smile on her pale face. Just looking at her and seeing her happy makes me smile too. It crazy how things can change between people in such a small amount of time. She shifts which makes me wonder what shes dreaming about. I hope its a good dream.

I think of all the good memories we have had in the past few years. The many kisses, the nights spent together, the fights that have always turned back to love. Now were sophomores in college, living with each other.

I look at the clock and see its 10:00 PM. I think I should be leaving now, I really don't want to. I have a job at the jewelers working the night shift so we can eat. I get my jacket and keys and kiss Clarke on the forehead.

"I love you Clarke Griffin. I always have and I always will. Ever since I laid my eyes on you." I tell her while stroking her head. I think I see a smile and I giggle.

I take close her front door and get into my white ford pickup. The thoughts of me and Clare living the rest of our lives together fill my head as I drive down the highway to work.

Good God, I really love this woman.


Bellamy. I look up from my bed and see Bellamy. He's smiling, that gorgeous beautiful smile he always has. His face looks so refreshed and peaceful. I will never forget the way he looks at this moment. He's now looking down, into his arms. I look down into his arms and see a baby. Our baby, A baby boy. He offers me the baby and I take him with a quick gesture. I look at Bellamy who looks lively and as happy as I could ever imagine. He looks at me than the baby and kisses us both.

I look around the room I'm in and notice it isn't a hospital but a house. A house, our house. We live in a house, together, with a family. I smile and look at the baby one more time. When I take the towel off the baby's face it looks peaceful.

"What should we name him Bell?" I ask Bellamy who still hasn't stopped smiling.

"I think we should name him..." He sits and thinks carefully.

"Drew" He says with sweetness in his voice.

"I.... I... Love it" I look at Bellamy and a tear up, he looks so calm and happy. This is exactly what I've wanted, what I needed.

I look back at Drew and notices his so quite and peaceful in a slumber. I look at him for a while in contentiousness. I touch his face.

Its cold, ice cold.

I check his pulse. Hes not breathing.


I look for Bellamy. He's gone. I look to the ground and notice a trail of red. A trail of blood.

"BELLAMY!?" I yell.

I put the dead baby on the bed carefully with a pain in my chest. A pain so bad, It feels like my heart is being ripped apart in every direction.

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

"Bellamy..." I fall to the ground on my knees in pain.

"help...." I barely breathe out the words as I crash onto the ground. Everything goes black.

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