Chapter 10

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I just got back from school and I look at my phone to see all of these texts from Bellamy

Bell: Princess don't go to that movie

Bell: You're going to regret it

Bell: Please trust me!

Bell: CLArke AnsWer!

God. Hes so high maintenance, hes like a four year old boy on a sugar rush.

Me: Jesus Bell. I am going. Sorry to disappoint you ;) There is nothing you can do about it 

I put my phone down to go get ready when I make it not even 5 steps until I hear a DING. I bet its Bell.

Message from Bell

Yep. I told you. 

Bell: Clarke don't make me sabotage your so called "Date" with the biggest fuckboy in school!

Me: I didn't know I was going on a date with you! What a disappointing surprise :((((((

I put my phone down and chuckle, knowing that will get his blood boiling. I like annoying Bell, Its like a hobby you figure out is perfect for you the second you try it out. DING. DING. DIN-DI-DIN-DING.  Oh yes, his blood is boiling past reconstruction.

I NEED to get ready, so I forget about Bell and get ready for my date with Finn. I check my watch.

"OH SHIT I ONLY HAVE AN HOUR" I skid up the steps and get ready for the perfect date.


Dammit! If only she knew I was doing this to help her and not be a self centered ass. I mean I did say that in the text but you know SHE DIDN'T REPLY. I mean a few of them were death threats but I didn't mean them....

Since she isn't complying with my list of demands, to keep Rapunzel in the tower I have to go get her and bring her back to the tower. High maintenance. Princess can be so..... Annoying and unappreciative.

I text Tiffany to see if she is still up for the "Date"

Me: Are you still up for tonight at 9?

I wait about 0.2 seconds to get a response.

Tiffany: Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world. I miss you! OMG we haven't seen each other in forever...

I stopped reading it because I could see this would be an hour long event and I only have 45 minutes to get ready and eat.

Me: Uh. Yeah. Me too.

I felt bad because I have absolutely no feelings for this girl but I can see she is obsessed with me. I mean who wouldn't be ;)

I run upstairs to get dressed and do my hair which takes a surprisingly long time considering the fact that my hair flips perfectly with little to no effort. 

I finish my hair and go downstairs to make toast and jam like I usually do on a Friday night.

"What the hell Bell, That's the last of the damn Jam" Octavia runs up behind me and takes the jam.

"O. I have no time for your foolish games. I have a date today" I say with a smug look on my face and take the jam out of her hands.

"You're saying that as if it is a special occasion. If you ate Jam every time you went on a date the whole damn would we be fresh out of fruit" She snickers and looks in the fridge for something else to eat. "With who?" She asks with her face shoved in the fridge.

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