Chapter 2

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She gasped when he pulled her close to him and almost fainted when he grabbed her hand. He got his hand and opened hers to put about 6 tampons in her hand
"I um think you might need these eventually"
He gave her a smirk that could make panties hit the floor harder than an asteroid hurling towards earth at 1,000,000 miles an hour. She blushed so hard she thought he might turn red forever. He smiled them said
"I don't think I got your name?"
She said "Clarke griffin" they standed there for a while after realising that their hands were still together she let go and backed up a step and fell back. Realising she had lost a shoe due to the "accident" with macho man. Bellamy helped her up and gave her her shoe. He then said
"You know what I'm going to call you princess, because of the loss of a shoe"
She smiled and laughed which caused him to smile.
"Hey!" Bellamy said "you definitely look new to this school.. Let me help you find your class"
Clarke looked around at all the girls staring at her with dropped jaws and "are you kidding me" faces. She smiled and said.
"Looks like all those girls are jealous of my rescue from you, I mean you're really hot" she could not BELIEVE she just said that and she wanted to go crawl in a hole and die.
Bellamy laughed so hard he had to stop because of the pain coming from his side.
"You know what princess, I think I kinda like you, I um mean your attitude, not you, I MEAN NOT THAT YOURE NOT PRETTY, you're gorgeous, I MEAN YOURE alright, WAIT NO I MEAN-" said Bellamy.
Clarke started to blush hard and laughed. She cut him off by saying
"I get it haha you don't have to make me feel better about myself. So um where is Mr. jaha?"
"Oh no were late for class" Bellamy says
"I was gonna be late either way. Thanks to you I'm now actually going to make it to class before the next class starts"
She snorted which caused her to look away and think "STUPID Clarke, you always do this to yourself"
Bellamy chuckled and said
"No reason to hide your laugh. It's honestly not that bad"
She blushed once again.
"So um how about class, YA know the thing were forced to go to for 18 years?" She said sarcastically.
Bellamy locked arms with her and started leading her to the class.
"Off we go princess Clarke, lucky for You I have Jaha first period as well"
Clarke started to walk and talk a little about herself. Since Bellamy asked right after they started walking.bellamy looked at her like a jewel and felt this thing he never felt before, but he didn't know what it was.

They finally made it to class. when they entered arms still locked Mr. jaha said
"Following the yellow brick road I see? Please sit down Bellamy. You're late. Again." He took a long pause and looked around the room until her remembered the new student at the door and said
"Well who are you young lady?"
Clarke responded shyly
"I'm Clarke Griffin, I moved here from Montana"
"Well welcome Clarke Griffin of Montana I have a seat for you right next to Finn."
Clarke was right in front of Bellamy. Bellamy began to feel a sudden dislike towards Finn. I mean he never really liked him. He was a low life dick that look at girls like lunch. Right as he was about to think about strangling him Clarke turned around to look at Bellamy and said
"Look at this! It's as if God wants me to be your friend"
As soon as she turned away he looked over to Finn who was looking not at her face but at her crotch. With a disgusting face of sexual enjoyment.
Bellamy wanted to rip him apart. He didn't even know the girl and he felt slightly protective and he didn't know why. He tried to forget about her sitting in front of him, which was extremely hard when Finn was eyeballing her like tonight's dinner. It disgusted him. Made him want to hurt him.
Finn tried to put his foot on hers when all of a sudden Bellamy got a text from his twin sister who was in the class sitting 3 chairs down.
" Bellamy WTF why do you look like you want to beat him to a pulp"
He looked at her and mouthed the words "I'll tell you later"
She nodded then looked back at the blackboard filled with notes. Bellamy was so smart he didn't even need to look at the notes. He already knew them front to back. So he decided to take this opportunity to rip a piece of paper off of his notebook and write his number on it and give it to Clarke.
Clarke took it and opened it. She started to smile and mouthed to him
"I'll text you later"
He smiled leaned back and dozed off knowing that missing today's notes wouldn't effect him at all. He started to fall asleep and dreamed about Clarke.

I thought this chapter would be a little weird 😂 why not?! I also wanted to show you the immediate connection Bellamy and Clarke share. Just you wait yall.
(P.s I have absolutely nothing against Montana! I just heard its kind of boring :/. Sorry if I offended any of those Montana lovers)

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