Chapter 11

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I look at Finn laying on the ground and rub my knuckles, split and bleeding from the skin to skin contact. I look over at Clarke to see she is breathing heavily and staring at me with eyebrows scrunched and a thinking face on. Oh god. I walk away already knowing what she is going to say.

"You-You Followed me?!" I hear her raise her voice as I walk away. Of course, ungrateful, something is always wrong. Classic Clarke.

"Yes I did princess and by the looks of how you are talking to be you don't seem the least bit happy that I most likely saved your virginity" I keep walking to my car and I hear her footsteps behind me, closely picking up speed, matching mine.

"That doesn't matter! You didn't trust me! Wh-What if it was going fine and you punched him for no reason!?" That was it. I am not going to get punished for trying to help her. I walk up to her and guide her to a car. I push her to the side of the car and put my hands on either side of her head. She looks more annoyed then scared. 

"Listen princess, he wasn't going to be all sexy and pretend to take it too far, he was going to probably rape you and maybe worse. I tried to warn you about him before but of course, you didn't listen and I knew something like this was going to happen so I was being a good friend and I decided to follow you guys to protect you. By the looks of how it was going, if I didn't bud in you would be at his house, kidnapped, and used as a toy. Then god knows what! So stop being ungrateful and learn how to take an act of kindness"

I removed my hands from the truck and wiped them on my pants. I looked at her dropped jaw and wandering eyes. I knew she was processing it all, I hope so at least.

I walked to my car and looked for my keys. I couldn't find them. I groan in annoyance and turn around to find Clarke with my keys in her hand.

"I think these are yours" She looks at me then smiles, I grab the keys and unlock my car. "Listen, I'm sorry... I realize that I was being stupid and ungrateful and I am sorry ok. Do you forgive me for being a child?" I look back at her and she flashes a half smile and shrugs her shoulders. 

"Yeah, I guess princess-" Before I can finish my sentence she walks up to me and throws her arms around me. I hug her back. "Next time I wont follow you.... Probably" She laughs and I hear her sniffle. She's crying. The toughest girl I have ever met is crying into my shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it while I drive you home?" I step back so she can see my face and I motion my hand to the car. She laughs and I guide her into the car and close it behind her. I walk around to the other side of the car and get in, I start my engine and I look at Clarke. She looks horrible. I stop the car and pull it into park.

"Spill the beans princess" I stare at her until I get eye contact from her. He looks at me and burst into tears. I put my hand on her shoulder and she puts her head on my chest. I was not prepared for that , so I hesitate before I hug her. I have never been so nice to a girl, other than O. It feels good. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask quietly, so quietly I'm surprised she heard me.

"You saw everything, I don't want to anymore" She sniffles and removes her head from my chest and looks out the window. I pull the car into drive and hit the gas. We drive to her house in silence as I think about what he did. I didn't see everything. i think about all the possibilities and my face gets hot with anger. I grab the wheel tightly to stop myself from having a meltdown.

We've been driving for about a half hour when I reach Clarke's house. I stop the car and look at Clarke who is fast asleep, cheeks wet from crying. I frown and get out of the car. I take her house keys from her pocket and pick her up bridal style.

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