Chapter 6

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Lincoln has been talking to me for the past half hour but I haven't been listening to a word he's said since he sat down. I was to busy being fixated on why the hell Bellamy stormed out of the cafeteria like a mad animal. 

I guess Lincoln has noticed the lack of eye contact for the past half hour because he stopped talking, grabbed my shoulders and began talking to me like a five year old

"Clarke. What. Is. The. Problem?" He said spacing the words out almost too long.

I looked back at the table Bellamy was sitting at and noticed that gorgeous brunette looking at me like I did that to Bellamy. Lincoln noticed me looking at her and read me like a book as usual. 

"Go get him." He motioned me towards the doors of the cafeteria without removing his eyes from the girl that looked to be Bellamy's girlfriend. 

I ran out of that cafeteria so fast that I'm pretty sure the track team captains were going to offer me a place on the varsity team. I walked around the school at least twice trying to find him but i had no luck and now i had no idea where the hell I was. Jesus this school is as big as the town we lived in in Montana. I was beginning to walk back into the cafeteria when I heard the bell ring. 

Aw shit, I don't even know where my locker is much less my next class. It look me ten minutes but I eventually found locker number 0910. I retrieved my stuff and began searching for my classroom. Another ten minutes and I finally found Ms. Abby's English class. 

15 minutes late and sweating like a hog I entered the room which got me an award winning stare from at least 90% of the classroom including Bellamy who seemed to be in every class I was in. He looked at me with a look of sorrow. Thanks Bell! I thought you were like my safari tour guide. What kind of tour guide leaves there customers to be eaten by the wild animals. I gave him a glare and he mouthed "I'm sorry" 

Its not like I Needed him to find my way around. I mean I could ask Finn right? He seemed kind of nice! Guess what? He was in this class too. It was like god wanted us to be together. I mean he was really cute. Finn looked at me and started smirking. He had an empty seat next to him.

"Hello who are you?" Ms. Abby asked me 

"Hi, I'm Clarke Griffin, I'm new to town" I told her with confidence, holding my head high. 

"Ah, yes! Ms. Griffin I have your seat next to Lincoln Griffin! Wait a second, Are you two related?"

"Yeah" I laugh. "Hes my older brother"  I look at Lincoln who starts waving to the teacher. Ms. Abby looks at him then me. She looked confused. I can see why, we look nothing alike. He was tan and tall and good looking and I was pale and short and average looking. Now everyone else had the same look as the teacher but the one that stood out the most was Bellamy's. 


I felt like I just got smacked in the face with reality. I acted like a child and a total asshole. Because Clarke was talking to her older brother and I don't know why. Clarke sits in the front, four seats away from Finn, that dick. He could save Clarke's life and I still wouldn't like him. Ever. 

"Ok class! for our warm up you're going to write a poem or story and present it in front of the class" 

Something I'm good at. Yes! I started to write about the time Octavia had a seizure and I freaked out and drove her to the hospital even though I was only 15. A story that I don't like to tell because that was also the day that my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I must've been writing for a good 20 minutes because Ms. Abby began to call people up as volunteers and Finns hand shot up like a bullet. 

"Ok Finn! Glad to see you do something other than flirt with half the class" This is why Ms.Abby was my favorite teacher, took 0% of Finns bullshit lies. He stood up smirking and stood up in front of the whole class looking like hes done this all of his life. Even his existence made me want to bunt him across the infield of a baseball field. 

"Very funny Ms. Abby, you always make my life in this class a living hell" He turned away from him to look at the class, rolling his eyes. Ms. Abby looked about ready to drag him out of the room by his long hair. I could help you Ms. Abby. Instead of doing so she just looked at him gloomily.

"Lets see what you've got Rapunzel." She retorted. I let out a small snort and everyone followed. Even Clarke and her brother. 

"ok" Finn cleared his throat. then look at Clarke in the eyes. Lincoln looked as pissed as me.

"Clarke i know you like me deep in your heart, 

But wait I haven't reached the best part,

I don't know if you heard me the first time,

If you could see yourself being mine, 

How about a movie Friday night,

underneath the starlight?"

It took Clarke a second to react. "YES!" Clarke said coolly Lincoln shot her a look but she didn't notice because she was looking into Finns shit colored eyes. I really hate this kid. But man was he good.


Ok guys I know this is a bad chapter but the 100 Just came on and Bellamy is on so Imma go. 



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