Chapter 5

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Oh dear lord of all things that are good in this world, please tell her to say no to that no good evil scumbag.

"Um... yeah sure!"

Fuck. I should've known she would say yes, she seems like too good of a person to ever let someone down. I wish i could be that warm ans caring, but I'm as cold as a rock straight from Pluto. Specially delivered to your heart. 

I clear my throat. "Hey um Clarke can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Yeah sure, whats the problem Bell?" She said Bell. No one says that other than my sister, and when she says it I want to backhand her in face. But when Clarke said it, it made me get goosebumps, the good kind that send a sensational chill down your spin. I've only known her for 3 hours and shes acting like shes known me my whole life. I kind of love it. WHAT?! BELLAMY GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER! YOU CANT LIKE HER! YOU HARDLY KNOW HER. 

"Um, I don't think that Finn is the best man for someone like you to do out on a date with... alone" I take a small breath, treading lightly, not knowing what time of the month is it for her. 

Surprisingly she reply's coolly with a giggle and a small snort which made me giggle with her. "Bellamy I'm not like your sister or anything, I don't need protection, I don't need your help. I can take care of myself"

"well princess I hate to tell you thins but that's what rape victims say to their big brothers before they go on a date with a rapist" I smirk. She smiles. I melt inside. 

"Wow that's really sweet, not really actually." She giggles then flips her hair "Hey I think i know where the cafeteria is, I'll talk to you later! CALL ME BELL" There it is again. Bullet to the heart. Bell.

"Eh I'll see, I might be busy tonight, ya know picking up all my girlfriends" We both laughed and she ran off. I stopped at my locker to put all my Science stuff away when I saw Finn flirting with another girl next to his locker. I stomped over there. 

"Hey there, ummmm, Katie, Right?" She nodded. i crossed my arms and leaded against the locker coolly "I don't to freak you out but the guy your talking to has chlamydia" She ran away with a disgusted look on his face.

"What the hell man, what is your problem?!" Finn said pushing my chest with his weak hands. Barely moving boulder like me a centimeter. 

"Don't play stupid Space walker" I pointed to his shirt with an astronaut on it (A little childish if you ask me) "I saw you ask Clarke on a date and now you're flocking to the next poor unsuspecting single hormonal teenager"

"You shouldn't be talking, you're the biggest man whore in the whole damn school! Possibly even the damn state!" He got a sudden boost of confidence because before he was at least two feet away and now hes so close I could smell his nasty tuna salad mouth lingering and destroying all my nose hairs.

"Actually I'm runner up, First is this dick named Finn Walker who clearly hasn't kissed anyone based on his nasty ass breath issues" I plugged my nose and stuck my middle finger up. Finn was hurt by his face reaction. That's right, I hope I ruined all your chances with the ladies you scum. I was starving so I decided to find all my Friends and Octavia at lunch. I walk in and find them at the usual table we've been sitting at for the past 2 years. 

"Bellamy!" said Murphy "How have you been my man? Long time no see" Octavia looked up in my direction and smiled. I sat next to her and hugged her.

"How is my little sister doing?" I said

"Bell you're older than me by a minute and 15 seconds"

"I'm still older, So how was your day" I noticed she was looking at someone. I looked up to find a Tall, taller than me, man who was tan and fit and tough looking. Right up Octavias alley. I hated it already. He looked older then us, he also had a tattoo on his right bicep but I couldn't make it out. Octavia was staring and as the big brother I was not going to allow that. I was about to tell her something when I saw him sit down at the table in front of us, next to Clarke. Damnit, she has another guy asking her out already!? This guy has my sister and Clarke. I'm honestly Pissed.


"Bellamy!" I heard a kid that had dark brown scrawny hair cross his face yell across the cafeteria. I looked up to see him walk in like a king, all of his minions bow down to him, kiss his rings, throw gold at him while chanting in Latin. Not really, but everyone might as well by the way they're looking at him. Everyone at school seemed to know him and treat him like Justin Timberlake. I mean he is really hot.Wait what, no stop, he would never go for me. I suddenly notice all the girl turn to look, some of them pulling down their shirts to show cleavage, other pulling their skirts up to make them shorter. Whores. But he didn't notice a single one, the only one he noticed was this girl at his table who was tan and gorgeous and slender. Must be his girlfriend. Well I see why he pays no attention to the other girls, hes got a gem. Shit

I look down at myself to see average thighs, average butt, average cleavage. No one wants average. No one goes "Oh hey you look beautifully average today"  I was about to start eating when I notice Lincoln walk towards me smiling, I wave at him, he waves back. I notice with him as well as Bellamy, all the girls swooning. Staring. Looking up and down. Ya nasty people. GET SOME PRIDE. He sits down next to me and immediately asks,

"How was your day sis?" I tell him "Good"  I realized I sounded excited and he looks at me with a look that look that says You're hiding something from me aren't you? 

"What is it?" He stares at me with his signature stare that gets me to talk every time. I look over at Bellamy who was looking at me, we both turn away and eat our food. Lincoln saw the whole thing and gave me a glare.

"Already Clarke?" I look at Lincoln then Bellamy. Bellamy was staring at Lincoln with hate in his eyes. Bellamy got up and pushed the chair in. Hard. BAM. The chair slams into the table and everyone including me watches as Bellamy storms off into the hallway. 


Ok guys so that was a longgggggg chapter. Honestly that took a freaking hour. I want feedback! I love your feedback! Tell me any suggestions that you have, or any errors that I made (Unless they're Grammatical, please don't be that person to tell me to capitalize my I's, Just don't be that person man. Not. Cool.) 

!Leave feedback here!

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