Chapter 7

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I could see by the look on Lincolns face that did dint approve of this "Movie underneath the starlight" and I cant say I really did either. I mean I don't like Clarke like that, I mean I barely know the girl, but I know that going out with im is going to cause her a lot of pain. Its just a bad decision ok. 

I wanted to tell her but I knew that there was no way I could do that without annoying her as much as I had already done In the past four hours we've known each other.

I need to find a way to stop this whole date or else shes going to regret it. 


I must admit, if it wasn't for the surprise from Finn and the glare from Lincoln every ten second this class would be a living nightmare. It was so boring and easy. I wanted to check my phone but I was sitting at the front. Maybe Bellamy texted me, doubt it, he seems to hate my guts ever since lunch and I have no idea why. Falling asleep in my chair I awoke when I heard "Bellamy, please present to the class" I looked back at him and he tried to swiftly put away his phone as if hes been paying attention the whole time.

He got up with a piece of paper shaking in his hand. All the girls were mentally taking video of the sweaty, embarrassed Bellamy in front of my eyes. They stil found him to be the Brad Pitt of the school.

"I dont feel very comfortable saying this in front of the whole class...." He said sheepishly, hunching his shoulder over instead of his almost always perfect posture. He didn't look ok at all. I noticed he was falling when it was too late. He hit that ground hard. He passed out.


I woke up in the nurses office with Clarke by my side. 

"Hey, you passed out because you didn't want to read your paper out loud" He kind of snickered as she said the last word.

"Dammit. I need to stop doing that." I said jokingly as I thrusted my right arm across my body and snapped my fingers like a knee slapper. "Wait why are you here and no one else?"

"I volunteered to help you because you're my only friend here and really think that class is boring."  She frowned a bit and began to straighten her lip out as if she wanted to tell me something important but she couldn't get the words out.

"Ok so I believe that acting is not going to be a career choice for you Bell" She giggled, throwing the other face down the mental trash can. 

"Yeah me too. Good thing I want to be an anesthesiologist" I chuckled and looked around the room

"No way! me too!' she slapped my knee playfully and took a breathe out.

"Well I have to go back to class, sadly, so they're bringing your girlfriend in" she looked uncomfortable and sad.

"Girlfriend?! I don't have a girlfriend!" I said honestly confused until she started describing what sounded like Octavia to me.. "NO! That's not my girlfriend that's my twin sister!" She smiled then walked out the room.

Poking her head back into the room "I'm not kidding about that acting this Bellamy, you're going to give yourself a heart attack."

"I wont as long as you text me back when I text you later tonight." She was out the door but still heard me. 

"I live for our conversations Bell" She practically yelled down the hallway.

Now to ruin that date.


OK Guys I'm tired and I didn't really want to write but I did for the first like three paragraphs and today was a stressful day. We had a fire at our school (Still not sure if it was an actual fire but we still had to leave while taking our midterms) and midterms themselves are stressful. ugh. 

CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK I READ! Its called "The Rebel Princess" I mean I don't know how to make external links so whatever. 

And the latest episode of the 100 was so emotionally draining like idek man.


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