Chapter 9

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Its Friday morning and I didn't see or hear from Clarke yesterday since Finn took her to her class in the hallway. Just thinking about Finn ever being near Clarke makes me want to curl my hands into fists and punch the nearest wall.

I go downstairs and make myself some eggs considering I'm up extremely earlier thinking about how to soil Clarkes date with Finn. A smile boils inside me and steams out into my face.


I run to my phone and text one of the first girls i thought of that may want to go on a "Date" with me tonight at the same time Finn and Clarke are going. I hated doing this to Clarke but I don't want her to go any farther than friends with Finn. Or if she wants to steep even lower and just not talk to him that would be nice. Not because I like her but because I don't want her to get close to Finn and love him. Then Finn will pull a classic Finn and throw her away like trash. Douche.

Me: Hey, You want to go on a friendly date tonight?

She responds in a matter of seconds.

Tiffany: Yeah sure. When?

Me: Tonight at 9

Tiffany: Ok yeah,cool

Tiffany was a little obsessed with me, just a little. Which was perfect for if i needed to cover up if Clarke sees up there. Man, I'm good. I was silently complimenting myself when I forgot about the eggs. I ran into the kitchen just in time to move them so they wouldn't stick to the pan. O was particular about her eggs and to be honest so was I. All I needed was a smart ass O to wake up with a disjointing meal.

"OCTAVIA BREAKFAST IS READY"  I yell loudly at her from the bottom of the steps with the pan in my other hand.

I put the eggs on two plates and set them at the table. O comes running down and nearly falls down the step from excitement, and her 4 inch heels. She runs down the steps in a mini skirt and a very revealing shirt to match.

"No" I say dropping my knife to my plate as I stand up and wave my finger at her.

"No what?" She looks down at herself as if she was wearing PJ's and Teddy slippers.

"No, as in i didn't know I raised a wanna be prostitute in this household. Now go put clothes on, not damn lingerie." I tell her with a sarcastic tone but I'm not being sarcastic.I pull my arms so they're across my chest telling her im not kidding.

"Prostitute? It's 90 degress outside Bell! Im not going to wear sweats and a north face jacket!" She scoffs at me flailing her arms around as shes explaining.

"Then at least lose the damn heels" I say nodding at her 4 inch heels. And your skimpy shirt, and your underwear length skirt.

"FINEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" She wines as she slumps us the steps with exaggerated stomps as she slaps her feet to the wooden step.

I turn back to eat my eggs, happy with the fact I have won the argument. Like usual.

Octavia comes down and eats her eggs looking as if I denied her from going to senior prom. I see shes done and so I am, so I hand her my plate to take to the sink. She looks at the plate, then me, then she treks foreword to the sink. Leaving me with a dirty plate and a smirk on my face.

I put my own plate in the sink and look at the time. We have 5 minutes to get to school.

"O we gotta go now" I rush to get my keys and stumble out the door, O close behind.


The morning was boring. Clarke wasn't in class for some odd reason and O was still mad at me so she wasnt talking to me. I sit at the usual lunch table. O scoffs and looks the other direction.

"Ya know O, when Jesus wont let you go to heaven because you wore those 4 inch heels you re going to thank me" I joke, hitting her with my shoulder gently. I don't even have to see her face to know she is smiling. "Now will you stop being annoying and talk to your brother?"

"Fine...." I hear O mumble as she looks at me with a small smile on her face.

I smile and look at her when my eyes catch Clarke walking to the lunch table with Lincoln. How come she wasn't at class? I stare now truly confused. Lincoln looks at Clarke and his face lights up like the sun. He loves his little sister like I do for mine. They talk and talk until I notice she mouthed the word Finn. My eyebrows meet as I crunch them together. I pay very close attention as they talk about tonight

Date.....Tonight.....Finn......9.......Fun.....Seems Nice....

I didn't realize how long I was staring at her liips until I looked away at O and she was staring at me with a confused look on her face. I smile then look down and continue to eat my semi frozen school lunch. I finish eating and throw away my trash when I see O staring at Lincoln. I walk out of the cafeteria frustrated at the everything I just witnessed and I go to my usual spot. The Janitors closet on the second floor and cool myself down.

I sit and take deep for at least 5 minutes and realize I'm going to be late for class so I swing the door open and hear a yelp.

"OW! Dammit. Watch where you-" I walk around to see I hit Clarke with the door and she has a bloody nose. "Bell! What the hell! You're taking me to the nurse. I cant freaking see." I laugh and hold her arm guiding her to the nurse.

We reach the nurse's office and I sit Clarke in the chair and explain what happened to the nurse. The nurse looks annoyed and checks Clarke.

"She's fine, just a bloody nose. She can stay here for a while to stop the bleeding." I nod and Clarke sits on the bed with an annoyed look on her face. She shifts that face to me and flips me off.

"Wow Princess! I said im sorry!" I grab my heart as I say this pretending to be hurt. She trys to keep her annoyed face but I break it and a smile shines through.

"I'll get you back" She says as she leans back and gets comfortable, then flashes me a wink. "I thought you were suppose to protect a princess?Not beat them with a door." She says with her eyes closed and a smirk on her face.

"I will always protect you princess" I smirk and think to the date tonight. "Even when you're not going to want me to" I walk out the room and look back to see her confused with what I just said.

I will protect you. That I promise.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I went back to school and I have softball tryouts coming up so I have to work on that. Please forgive me! Guess what?

I made another book. Go check It out. Its a little different than this one and my other one.

Give me feedback!!

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