Chapter 1

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Clarke got out of her 2002 dented, scratched, and nearly fallen to the ground piece of rust her mother called a car. She got her backpack out of her passenger seat and tried to wipe the sweat off of her face as she started shaking slightly at the thought of starting a new life,new school, new friends, once again. She was dressed to impress in her only pair of skinny jeans she could mangle out of the nearest box at her house, tan Bailey bow uggs, and a cute shirt from Hollister. She very quickly regretted dressing this way as it was a scalding 80 degrees in the middle of October. Then again she always heard on the news that Miami Florida was always hot, in every possible way. All. The. Damn. Time.

She saw her older brother Lincoln get out of the car right across from her and already noticed 95% of the girls gawking at him. She rolled her eyes and walked towards him and said
"Oh look Lincoln you already have people wishing to rip your clothes off and you haven't even set foot on the campus"
Lincoln smiled and said
"Hey Clarke what can I say, I'm a babe magnet"
Clarke chuckled and walked with her brother into the huge school of "Ark High" home of the space walkers. Whatever the hell that meant...
As soon as she opened the door she almost dropped her books at the sight of so many kids.
"Lincoln."Clarke said. "I don't think we're in Montana anymore"
Lincoln laughed and said
"No shit.there are more people here than freaking deer, other then that hell hole Montana"
Clarke laughed and started walking to class. She told Lincoln to sit next her her at lunch and he moaned and said "fineeeee" like a five year old which caused her to smile a bit.

She looked at the time and realised that she had 5 minutes to walk to class and she had no idea where to even begin trying to go. She was walking and looking back when she slammed into something. Hard. Causing her to fall and drop all her belongings (including her tampons, embarrassing!) on the ground. She was about to pick them up when a hand stopped her and she heard someone say
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I should've been paying attention!"
She looked up to see a hot (and boy do I mean hot) boy with brown, thick, curly hair and dark, mesmerising brown eyes. Not to mention he was tan. And man he was muscular enough to pull off a tank top. She noticed she was staring and some people have started to notice and started whispering to each other. He looked up to find himself stopping mid sentence
"Hey um I'm so sorry I hope I can-"
They stared at each other until Clarke started to blush and help pick up her papers in a hurry. She started to walk the other direction when a hand grabbed her forearm, she turned around and he said.
"Hey, my name is Bellamy blake"

Hey everyone I hope you enjoy! This is my first book, chapter and "blog" haha. I didn't mean to make it so short I just wanted to see how everyone reacted to this so please comment! Anything that I can do to make it better!!

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