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Sokka was sweating like he was near the sun. Today he was going to see Toph's parents for first time since Toph was fourteen. He was nervous and so many sceneries were running through his head.

'what if they hate me?' he thought to himself.

'or worse what if they get mad that I married Toph at nineteen' he again thought to himself.

'Or even more worse what if they-'

"Sokka you almost done? Your gonna make us lose the train!" He heard Toph yell from the living room.

"Yeah! Im coming!" He yelled back he finished fixing his hair and tried to keep any negative thoughts away.

He went into the living room where Toph was chasing around Suyin trying to get her coat on while Yaggon sat in the middle giggling. The other four were waiting at the door. Sokka went and picked up Yaggon and placed him in his carrier with his pacifier. He put on his coat when Toph finally managed to get Suyin into her's.  She finally came  to Sokka holding Suyin and set her on the ground so she could walk.

"Looks like you had fun," Sokka commented jokingly. She punched him in the upper arm.

"Oh shut up," she said. They finally made it out the door and to the train station.

"All abourd on the train to Gaoling!" They heard a conductor yell. Toph graved Suyin's hand and they started to walk. Sokka picked up Yaggon's carrier where he slept peacefully with a blanket covering the front. They got on the train and took their seats.

On one side Toph sat in one seat with Lin, Loch,and Suyin. While Sokka sat with Jackoda, Min, and Yaggon in his carrier. Most of the kids were distracted looking out the window. But Sokka's nervous thoughts were starting to come back and he started to tap the floor.

"Sokka I swear if you don't Stop taping your foot I can't promise you'll have it tomorrow," Toph said annoyed crossing her arms.

"Sorry," he said.

Toph shifted leaning forward.

"What's your deal? Ever since we left the house you've been off,"

"Im nervous," he finally admitted.

"Nervous about what?" Toph asked

"Your parents! What else?" Toph's face softened. She leaned forward and took his hand in her which compared side to side Toph's hand looked like a child compared to his.

"There's nothing to be worried about Snoozels, they'll love you I know it. After they see how you treat our kids they'll be happy," she said smiling. He smiled back before giving her a peck.

Toph was starting to drift off to sleep with Suyin leaning on her lap already asleep when the train stoped and the train whistled.

They got up and got off the train. Night had fallen already so they decided to stay a night at an Inn.

"Mommy I wanna use the bathroom!" Toph heard Min yell from the bathroom door.

"Then use the bathroom!" Toph yelled back.

"I can't! Lin's taking forever!" She yelled.
Toph sighed and hesitantly got up.

"And this is the reason we have three bathrooms," Toph muttered to herself.
She walked twords the bathroom door.

Lin finally walked out.

"Well there you go," Toph said walking away. Toph felt as Sokka chased around Suyin trying to get her into her pjamamas. Toph went to go check on Yaggon in his basin on one of the two beds. She put her hand on his chest and felt as his small chest fell and rose smoothly. She smiled and kissed his forehead. Sokka had finally gotten Suyin changed and was setting her in the same bed with all her siblings.

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