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When their second baby came into place Jackoda was three years old and asking questions.
One night during dinner when Jackoda asked a question that made Sokka and Toph both laughed.


"Yes baby?"

"Why is you stomach getting big? Did you eat too much?"

Sokka tried to not to laugh.

"No, mommy has a baby in her belly," she awsered glaring at Sokka

"Why did you eat a baby?" He asked really confused.

This time Toph couldn't contain her laughter and both Sokka and Toph started laughing leaving poor Jackoda completely confused.
Another time when Sokka was setting up the crib Jackoda asked him another question.

"Daddy?" Sokka looked up from what he was doing.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Why do we need a crib? Is mommy going to sleep there?" Sokka looked confused at his own child.

"Jackoda your gonna have a baby sister,"  Jackoda scrunched up his nose.

"Why?" He asked. Sokka turned around again.

"I don't know ask mommy," he turned around again. Jackoda started putting two and two together.

"Is the baby mommy ate my sister?" He asked.

Sokka couldn't help but laugh. He turned around again.

"Yes," all he received was an "oh" from his son before he left.

Another time when Toph felt the baby in her kick she decided to let Jackoda feel hopefully that would make him understand.

"Jackoda come here baby," she said he walked over. She graved his tiny hand and put it on her stomach were the baby kicked. He looked shocked.

"Why is it kicking you? Does it not like you?" He asked. Toph laughed a little.

"No, baby" she awsered.

She let go of his hand but he kept his on it. He felt the baby kick against his hand. He jumped and pull his hand away.

"Ow baby that hurt!" He said glaring at her stomach. Toph laughed he definitely inherited his dad's stupidity.

Once his sister was born he was really confused. When Sokka showed him his sister he had a question.

"Why is it so squishy looking?" He asked Sokka laughed.

"I don't know," he awsered truthfully


"Yes bud?"

"Why did mommy eat the baby the spit it out?" He asked concern crossing his face. Sokka didn't know how to answer that so he just laughed.

"You'll understand one day," he awsered

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