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Once Toph was pregnant with their third child Jackoda was going to school and Lin was bearly two. Jackoda realised that he was going to have another sibling when he saw his mom washing his old clothes.

"Hey mom? Why are you watching my old clothes?" She looked up at him. She got up and pulled the back of her shirt revealing her 5 month bump.

"You ate another baby?" Toph laughed she forgot that's how he thought babies got there.

"I guess if that's how you say it," she awsered. He scrunched up his nose.
"Are we going to have another baby?"
"Yes," she said Lin appeared behind her brother.

"Mama," she walked over and Toph picked her up.

"It's bath time you two c'mon," she graved Jackoda hand.

"When is dad going to come home?" He asked.

"Dad," Lin repeated

"He'll be home any minute I think he would like it if you smelled nice," she commented

"I don't smell," he complained
"Oh yes you do," she teased. He just pouted.

Toph warmed the water just like Katara taught her. She graved the soap and smoothed her hand on the imprint.

'kids' she felt. Once she was done she put both of her kids in the tub and stared to wash them being cautious with Lin. Toph took some bubbles from Lin's hair and blew them at her making her giggle. She made Jackoda's hair stick up making him laugh. She loved when she heard her kids laugh. She hoped it would stay the same after her third kid. She finished cleaning her kids and wrapped them in towels. And ushered them into her room. She asked Jackoda to tell her if two clothes matched. And dressed them she put them to bed and kissed them goodnight. Toph waited for Sokka and she finally heard a knock.

" Hey babe," he said kissing her softly on the lips.

"Let me guess you had a bunch of paper work and had to stay late?" He chuckled

"You guessed it." He put his hand on her stomach.

"And how is our baby?"

"Just fine," she said "Jackoda found out he's having a sibling," she said "he asked the same stupid question:did I eat another baby." Sokka laughed

"Did he?"

"Yes," she sighed and Sokka continued laughing.

"Sokka I'm really tired can we go to sleep?" She whined Sokka laughed and put an arm over her shoulder. They walked their bedroom and fell asleep. The house fell silent not a scary silent a peaceful silent.
Hope you enjoyed ym out ❤️

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