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Out of all of Toph and Sokka's kid both Toph and Sokka had decided that Yaggon was the worst sleeper.

He was impossible to put to sleep. Especially when he was first born.

Naturally Toph had to resort to other methods to put him to sleep.

Methods she thought she would never use.

When she was younger,her mother would do it every night. It brought her peace on the inside when her mother would lul her to sleep.

Sokka walked through the door after a long shift. He hung his keys.

"Babe I'm home!" He said only loud enough not to wake the sleeping children.

There was no answer.

"Toph?" He said a bit of worry evident in his voice.

Still no answer.

Sokka began to worry. He went to check on the kids to see if they were still there.

'what if something happened to them?'

He thought to himself. He shok his head trying to keep calm.

He opened the door gently to his oldest son's room. There he slept peacefully.

Then he opened the door to Lin and Loch's room they were both in each of their beds completely asleep.

He then opened the door to the girls, silent other than their little snores.

He got closer to Yaggon's nursery and started to hear a meledy, A sweet toon. He got closer and opened the door slightly and their he saw something he thought he would never see.

There was Toph in her night gown holding Yaggon close to her chest,walking around the room rocking him.

She sang a song softly, her voice was soft and gentle, the one thing Sokka could never imagine Toph doing was singing. But yet there she was right in front of his eyes.

He started listening into the song she was singing.

"You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine," she sang softly.

"You make me happy, when skies are grey," she continued.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you," she continued rocking him.

"Please don't take my sunshine away," she finished.

She finally stopped walking around the and set him in his crib with a soft kiss. She covered him with a blanket before blowing out the candles in the room.

(Yeah, yeah my guy I know she can't see but how else could Sokka see the little scene)

She walked to the door and opened it almost hitting Sokka. She jumped when she senced him.

"How long have you been standing their?" She wispered.

"As long as I needed to hear your sweet voice," he said slyly back. She blushed and punched him in the arm.

"You idiot," she said annoyed. Sokka threw his arm over shoulder.

"So how long have you been able to sing like that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up," Sokka just laughed

(As they say short but sweet hope you enjoyed ya best boy Ym out💚💙)

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