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Toph had to go to Gaoling, she was praying to agni she didn't run into her parents, they didn't leave the house much but their can still be a chance. She had to leave her kids with Sokka, she had never been apart from them but this was important. She got off the train with Aang behind her. They went to a near by inn were Aang paid and they quickly went to their room.

"So what are we going to do about the rebellions?" Toph asked.

"The only thing we can really do right now is not let anyone know that were here and when they attack we can get them, and get the information we need and solve this whole situation and we can fo back home," he said she sighed.

She took out a photo with her family Sokka gave her before she left, even though she couldn't see it, it meant a lot to her knowing that she had her family waiting for her at home. Aang took notice.

"I know it's your first time being away from your family, it must be hard. I remember the first time I had to leave home, I was homesick the entire time." He said putting a confetring hand on her shoulder.

"I know, but I miss them so much even if their a mess," she said.

"But think of it this way, your out wiping evil off the face of the earth so you they can live in a safe world," he told her. She smiled.

"Thanks twinkle toes," she said punching him on the arm.

"Any time, now let's get some rest," he said.

They went to sleep in each of their beds. The next morning Aang woke up before Toph and went to take a shower and change. When he was finished Toph was already up, they switched spots and Toph changed into some clothes. They went to the near by market to get some food. Aang wear a hat covering his arow and Toph made sure to keep her head down so no one would recognize her eyes. She walked around for a while when she felt a similar heart beat.



she thought trying to get far away from were he was. She muttered a string of curses when she felt him start to follow her. He eventually caught up with her. She looked up.

"Toph?" He asked. She stifined.

"I-Is that you?" He asked. She gulped loudly.

"Dad, nice to see you," she said seethed there her teeth. He imdietly hugged her.

"It been so long! I and your mother missed you so much!" He said. Toph had to get away, but she didn't know how.

"Listen dad, I really have to get going I'm actually here with something very important."

He backed away and suddenly noticed her berthol. It hung proudly on her neck. It was a green color with the water tribe and earth kingdom simbol.

"Your engaged?" He asked a demanding tone in his voice.

"Married," she said.

"Listen dad I really have to leave,"

"Yes, but please come visit us, I want to learn more about your were about's." He said turning around.

She just stood their. She knew she should have left her necklace at the inn! But something just held her back from ever taking it off, even at work it wasn't visible but she still carried it around.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" She muttered to herself. Walking back to the inn. Once she got their Aang was already waiting for her, when heard her muttering the word 'stupid' he knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" He asked concerned

"I ran into my dad at the market and he want me to go see him," she said.

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