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"Yes Linny?"

"Why do we have to move?"

"Lin I already told you, your going to have a baby sister," Toph said half annoyed as she packed Loch's clothes.

"Isn't Lin and loch enough?"

Jackoda asked as he came in. Toph blushed but didn't respond. She continued packing until she finished packing all of Loch's clothes. She tried to get up but Jackoda came over and pulled her up.

They heard a knock.

"Jackoda can you open the door?" He nodded and opened the door.

Katara stepped in.

"Where's your mom?" Katara asked he pointed to a room in a hallway. She walked over.

"Toph?" She looked up in her direction.

"You need any help I mean your seven months pregnant,"

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do anything," to said stubbornly

"I know, but I can pack Lin's stuff and you can pack Jackoda's stuff," she offered.

Toph sighed

"Fine," Katara graved three boxes and went to Lin's room she followed behind. Katara opened one of Lin's draws and started taking out clothes. She smiled as she saw the dress she sew for Lin on her first birthday. She put many clothes into the box and closed it.

"Aunt tara?"


"How did the baby get in mommies belly?"

Katara turned bright red not knowing how to explain that to a four year old. She graved another box.

"Lin put your toy's in here I'll be right back." Lin nodded but was confused.

"Toph?" She said going into Jackoda's room.


"How did you explain to Jackoda how baby's get in your stomach?"
Toph looked confused.

"He thought that we ate the babies, I don't know why you need to know that,"

"Well, Lin is asking the same question,"

"Oh, just tell her the same thing," Toph said turning back to what she was doing. Suddenly she put a hand on her stomach.

"Ow," she muttered.

"Are you okay?" Katara asked going to her side,

"She just kicked really hard." She said.

"Can I feel?" Toph took her hand and placed it were it was kicking.

Katara smiled.

"You have one strong baby," she said making Toph laugh.

"I'll go finish helping Lin pack," Toph nodded and turned back to what she was doing.

Katara went back with Lin who had finished and was earthbending one of her rocks.

"Done already?" Lin looked at her with her emerald green eyes and nodded.

"Hey Toph do you want me to pack the kitchen?"

Without turning around she nodded.
Katara walked over to the kitchen when she heard crying from Loch's room. She went over to it and picked him up. She set him on the floor and he sat and rubbed his eyes. He grogdly looked at Katara with his green and she just laughed

"Still sleepy are we?" She asked picking him up again. She put him in the doorway of Toph he ran to her and she picked him up.

"Hey baby," she said kissing him on the cheek. They heard a knock and Katara awsered it. Sokka came in.

"Why are you home so early?"

"There wasn't much to do,plus we have move our stuff into the new house." He said. Katara stepped aside and let him come in. He went to the room Toph was in and gave her a kiss before helping Katara get all the boxes out of the room. They set all of them in the living room.

"Hey Sokka? Is this going to be your last kid?" She asked. He looked at.

"I don't know that's up to Toph," he said Katara sighed and wiped her forehead.

"Toph I'm going to drop off some boxes I'll be back later!" He yelled hoping Toph heard him.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

"C'mon Katara," he felt someone tug on his shirt. He looked down and Jackoda.

"Dad can I go with you?" He asked.
"Sure just tell your mom," he ran off and came back.

"She said it was fine," the three walked together to a house. It was a rather small looking house with five rooms, and a pretty large living room and kitchen. Katara droped the boxes she was carying in the living room. She looked around.

"Wow this is a really nice place," she commented

"I know," he said setting down the boxes. Jackoda ran around looking at everything.

"Let's go get more boxes," they walked out. They continued the process until night fell.

"Bye Katara," Sokka hugged his sister.

"Bye guys," she walked down the stairs and left.

He turned around to Toph who just smiled.

"I love you," she said

"Me too,"

Sorry if it was longer than expected ❤️ym out

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