The scouts

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Evelyn stood there, behind a wall, watching them. Her focus was broken when she heard the leader say 'why are you stalking them?'

She sighed and looked at the person who spoke 'this isn't over yet'

The leader sat on the floor, and muttered 'nothing ends, it simply just changes'

Evelyn stood there, waiting for her queue to enter the scene.
She felt the gaze of her brother, as she heard his high heels walking towards her, as he put his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him
'You don't have to do this, I can' he told her
She grabbed his hand, and turned to look him directly
'I'll be alright, xabia'

The leader said to Evelyn 'there's your queue, go and surprise them'
Evelyn put on her hoodie and ran out. Her high heel and peg leg making loud noises. She didn't bother to be quiet. She slid to a halt in front of the siblings

The green haired cat girl took off her mask and dropped it to the floor, kicking it away, her eyes glistened like an emerald on a light. She moved her foot in a circle motion then went on her tip toes. On the flor was 2 glowing circles, in a green shade- a leap circle for shapeshifters!

'She's not a demon! She's a shapeshifter!' Anubis shouted

Evelyn nodded 'we meet again' she said as she walked forward. Her palm was open and everyone noticed it was harder to catch a breath, the air formed into a wind, as the girl shouted 'Viper!'

The siblings sat down, deciding it was safer on the floor. They were unarmed except for one pocket knife

The green haired girl, who had to be called viper, walked forward.
'Speak of the devil! Hello again, Evelyn! Will you ever come home or have you abandoned us?' She said with a mechanical glee- was she even in her own control?

'Don't start that bullshit up. It was never a home to me' she said- the girls name was Evelyn's, and whatever viper is, they had to be the same, so she must also be a shapeshifter, right?

In a tap of Evelyn's foot, she was covered in metal. In the eye holes of the mask, her eyes glowed with a blue rage.

'We gonna play that game, eh? Deadly nightshade. An interesting creation of yours. Let me use what I can do as well' she giggled as she lifted her arms up. The leap circle transforming her. Covering her, making her a snake.

'There's no winning, Evelyn. You're outnumbered' a hooded figure said. They wore a black cloak, that covered their eyes. The rest of their face was covered by a gas mask. They wore a red and black jumper, black trousers that concealed their figure. Their hands were covered in white gloves, and their neck was covered in bandages. Next to them were 2 figures, that looked like a shorter, younger male, and a taller, around same age female.

One of them wore black trousers, black trainers, a black shirt and a mask that covered their neck, and he wore a black cape with a hood, he looked like he was part of a cult

The other was wearing a purple blazer, that was rolled up at the sleeves, she looked almost identical to Evelyn, but her hair was wavy, and missing the noticeable purple stripe. she wore high heeled boots, which was unnecessary, she was already so tall. her eyes were covered in a blue visor that seemed to let off a glow. she wore a purple skirt.  she had metal on her wrists. she could be a complete clone of the girl who was protecting the siblings

'we are the scouts of Eden. I am Heichou, the leader' the hooded figure, nicknamed Heichou said 'next to me is Cobra' he said as he motioned towards the shorter male, as he moved his mask down from his face and hissed

'this is Captain, and despite his looks, hes male' heichou said as he motioned towards the female looking figure, who smiled, waved and then kicked the floor, creating a shockwave

'he turns energy from food and drink into a shockwave, isnt that amazing!' heichou exclaimed, an excitement in his voice, which was shocking as he had previously said everything in a monotone voice

Evelyn had put up a barrier to block the shockwave, but she was too slow, and the siblings had been thrown into a wall, they couldnt back away. Evelyn had grabbed a support beam that was on the ceiling and climbed up, how high could she climb? 

she quickly ran across the support beams, and was quickly above them. She was going to jump down, but as soon as she made it above them, captain tapped the pillar holding the support beam

she dug the spurs that were on the back of her boots into the pole, she just about caught her balance

Captain collapsed, and heichou grabbed him, and helped him back up. He must have used all his energy into the 2 powerful shockwaves

'i will have to look into these guys' anubis whispered to his sister, who nodded in agreement 

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