Going to headquarters

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"Good job" gravity said, helping the child in front of her to their feet
"I think that'll be all tonight, how about you rest up?" Dimension said, and Little jackal nodded
"A rest doesn't sound too bad now" they laughed

"Oi, I'm serious!" Euphoria said, as Horus laughed
"Nah, I'm laughing at the fact you've never been serious, and it's adorable" he said

Euphoria looked at Horus, pouting
"You're an idiot"
"You just realized?" He said

"Oh, I just remembered something!" She said, as she grabbed Horus' wrist and dragged him to the stairwell, and to the roof

"The stars are going to be really pretty tonight" she exclaimed
Once all the children and the training taking place on the roof stopped for night, Horus realized how calming the environment is, the stars were bright, and the night was still, he stared up at the night sky, before euphoria said his name. He looked at her, as she kissed him

"You know i just pulled you up here to get you alone?" She said, and Horus nodded
"I could tell" he said, as he grabbed her waist, leaning her back
"But that doesn't bother me, it's nice to get away from the stress, y'know?" He said, and Euphoria nodded

"Hey, just a thought" Seth began, as Llunina looked up
"Well, aren't we going to be sorting out the resistance dorms tomorrow? I swear that's what Orson told us. Llunina looked down
"I think that's what he said"

"Well, that'll be chaos" Seth laughed, and Llunina let out a laugh
"You can say that again, you heard about the new recruits? Lucy, Axoli, Virgo, Tsuru, Suru, Ishiziki, Christie, Jax, Ellis, Zac,, Ben, Josh, Anthony, Tex,
there's probably more but I can't remember" she listed off

"Mmm, it'll be absolutely chaotic. Is your daughter going to share a dorm with Alexsis and Belinus? Those 3 basically can't be separated from eachother" Seth asked
"Yeah, she said she would share a room with the chaotic cat and jackal" she said

"Ya think she's told him yet?" Llunina said, as Seth looked at her
"Definitely, she's not the type to give up"

"Hey dad? So, will we be organizing who's staying in what dorms?" Little jackal questioned, as they picked up their belongings, and Orson nodded
"Yes, that's the plan" Orson said, as he grabbed one of his sons backpacks, as he looked at the girl him and Scarus recently adopted

She was small, around 6 years old, with slightly wavy hair, which was half and half, one side was a light brown, and the other was a light pink. She was born without hands or feet. It was clear she didn't sleep for a while, the dark bags under her eyes very clear

Little jacka put their bag down, and kneeled down
"Jump on" they said, and the girl, who was named Astral, slowly climbed onto their back, and Little jackal put their backpack on, astral wrapped her legs around Little jackals torso, and wrapping their arms loosely around their neck

Sereph looked up at their partner, it turns out Sereph had also slipped a disk and broken part of their spine, one which could be healed with magic, but he didn't bother, opting to wait, so he was currently in a wheelchair

"Hey" a woman said, and Sereph looked at the door, as his face lit up
"Mum! Dad!" He said as his parents walked in, his mother kneeling and patting him on the head
"Good job, kiddo" she said
Serephs dad looked at Orson, his mostly scary appearance somehow seemed more comforting and softer
"So, y'all heading back to HQ?" He asked, and Orson nodded "yes, and we will sort out dorm arrangements there, but I suppose Sereph would like to see his brothers and sisters" he said, looking at Sereph
"Well, if that's alright" he said
"We're in the newest sister location, it's mostly got us Tquais in it, so we aren't too far away" Serephs mother said
"Beatrice, it's been a long battle, I think Sereph would love to see his brothers and sisters again"

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