Rage sight

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Horus charged fowards with inhuman  speed, and Pucelle pushed him back with air, but Horus created a force of wind going the opposite way to Pucelle's blast of air

"This is the real power of rage!" Orson announced

"Hah, guess I'll have to level up my foresight!" Pucelle shouted as he covered his blue eye

"Lui, go and hide" zhongli ordered as he motioned for Lui to hide under a car, to which Lui nodded

"Okay, don't die" lui said, as he ran towards the car, and zhongli ran into the building

Lui crawled out, and took off his mask

He ran into the alleyway, and jumped onto a crate, grabbing a loose brick and climbing onto the roof

He looked over the city, watching the destruction unfold against the city of Los Angelis
"My my, these demons sure know what to do" he muttered, then heard screaming. His ears flicked, and he turned to look at the noise

"7 adults, 1 demon" he muttered as he jumped off of the roof, pouncing onto the demon

Ocean growled
"Stupid kid"

"Weaken" he ordered
"Hide!" He ordered the humans, to which they ran and hid

Ocean punched Lui, but he grabbed her wrist
"If I'm correct your power is only dangerous if you can reach me! Let's fight!"

Seth growled at Cressida
"May you burn in the flames of blue" she said calmly, and lifted her hand

He created a sand wall, which put out the fire, then he charged fowards
"Lightning!" He shouted

"Earth wall!" She summoned, and created a wall of dirt, which canceled out the lightning.

Anubis laughed, his opponent was weaker then he was
"Damn, you're weak!"

Yvaine smirked
"I may not have a badass power, but mine is enough!" She shouted as she sunk into the floor, then shot out of the ground like a missile
"My skill makes up for my power!"

Horus flew onto a building, and looked down at the scene on the battlefield
"It's crazy. Eh?" Sereph asked, loading a round of bullets into their sniper
"Yeah. Can I ask a question?" He asked

Sereph sat up
"What's up?"

"You're the leader of a gang, right? I overheard you mention it to someone, so can't you also have them help? I mean, shooting all of the demons on your own can't be easy"

"Yeah, it isn't easy, in fact I have requested their presence from the strongest" Sereph explained, as he picked up a roll of bandages and threw them at Horus

"Wrap up your hands. Your knuckles are bleeding"

Pucelle looked at them, using ghost sight (a type of foresight eye that lets one see what cannot be seen, this can include through walls)
"Distracted. Guess rage sight tires people out a lot, that's why they don't use it" he thought, as he unfolded his wings and flew up

Sereph stood up
"Horus! Run!" She shouted as she ran towards Horus, as he got grabbed by Pucelle and Dragged off the roof

Horus tried to push Pucelle away, or at least get a gap between them so he could unfold his wings, but Pucelle wrapped his wings around Horus
"You're not leaving. If I die too, who cares? My wife will carry on my legacy, and my son will carry on my power!" Pucelle announced

"You're a madman!" Horus shouted, as he looked back at sereph, and saw she had jumped off, and was chasing after Pucelle, loading his pistols

Pucelle looked at the ground, and unfolded his wings, before backflipping over Horus
"I'm not normally this cocky, but my little boy is here, and I want to show him the full extent of our power!" He announced as he let go of Horus

Horus quickly unfolded his wings, and stopped his fall
"5cm? Damn, you were so close to dying!" Little jackal shouted, as they grabbed Horus' wrists

"That's odd" they shouted, running behind a building
"My dad used rage sight on you. But, your eyes aren't green... it's like a solar and lunar eclipse! If... that's the right way to explain it" Little jackal began, as they unwrapped the bandages on their arm

"What do you plan on doing?" Horus questioned, as he leaned over Little jackals shoulder, looking at them slip out a knife from their bandages

"Why not offend the demons?"
Horus chuckled
"You seem to hate humanity, that's brilliant!"

Little jackal chuckled slightly
"Well, I am holding back quite a bit. When they see what I'm planning on doing, they'll get mad, and when they get mad, theyll give their all, and that means I won't hold back"

"How are you holding back? You're already insanely impressive" Horus questioned, as Little jackal turned to face him, moving their fringe out of their face, and revealing a white crystal in their forehead

"A disappearing angel protection mark. I currently have the largest one, since it's extended down my spine" they said, as they smiled "now. I'm going to need a hand"
Horus nodded
"Touch your fingertips together, and concentrate, you, good sir, might have a strategy enhancing ability. I can tell
Because rage sight didn't change your eyes green, but a black and white"

Horus sighed
"That's odd"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one with an ability like that" Little jackal said, as they closed their eyes "I'm going to start opening the gifted power"

Horus looked at Little jackal, and noticed green symbols began to appear

Out of the crystal grew 2 tattoo like symbols, in the shape of completed wings. He watched as part of the wings extended out, covering their cheeks, and down to their neck, where a folded incomplete wing was. One of the tattoo like symbols covered the bridge of their nose, and extended to their ears

Little jackal opened their eyes, and put a blindfold on. Their halo disappeared , along with their wings. In placement of them was a pair of horns and devil wings

Horus smiled
"That's fucking awesome"

"Lets go!" Little jackal shouted as they ran out, Horus following behind

A gifted power and a strategy enhancing ability? That will be interesting to deal with

"Let's Get this straight. You'll be attacking first, as I need a little more time for ally ability" they said as they grabbed the hood on their cloak and put it over their head

"What's with the cloak?"

"I, am the highest rank of resistance member. A legend. A group of adults and children alike with one thing In common, they can be classed as immortal. So far no legends have died in battle or from wounds, every legend death is from natural causes"

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