Save me

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Identity jumped out and broke the floor with the chains. Everyone jumped back, in shock. The shapeshifters all jumped up as they noticed a chain was swimming towards them

Now Identity had cleared the area, they walked into the clear area, kneeled down, and tried to hit them with the chains. When they saw they all avoided, he looked up, as he tried not to cry, as he saw all their angry and scared faces

"Don't hurt me!" He screamed as he slammed the chains repeatedly

Horus looked surprised
Don't hurt him?
"Bad past i can imagine" lena explained

They noticed the chains stopped. 10 chains. The person, who had to be around 20ish, clearly a human sat down, with their head down
"Save my sanity!" He screamed at the immortals as he stood up, a psycopathic gleam in their eyes, their pupils changing from a dark green to yellow, and their eyes changed from green to yellow as they swung the chains more viscously then before, while laughing
"Blood, blood, blood, blood!" He screamed as he tried to hit them all with the chains

Orson looked at horus and noticed he was going to get hit. He ran up to him and pushed him down to avoid the chains, and Orson ended up getting hit

Sereph took out their Cupid weapon and stopped the chains instantly

"A perfect match, it seems" Sereph chuckled to himself, as he grabbed the chains with one side and grabbed jasper with the other side of the Cupid weapon
But he felt something kick him in the back of the neck, and he lost his focus

Commander, captain, Heichou, Viper and Cobra walked out of the crowd, and Organ failure took off their mask and jumped over the barrier, and Ghost made themselves visible

"Why did you do that?" Horus shouted at Orson

Orson grabbed his ribs and stood up
"I can take a little more of a bashing, and I heal faster" he said

Delta Cassiopeia and Vanta looked at eachother, and nodded. They had to block out the sun so all the mages could fight
Vanta morphed their shadow body to cover the sun, Anubis noticed this and put the backpack down, and Little jackal poked their head out and looked at what happened

Orson was on the floor, and scarus stood over him, protecting him

Bastet was kneeling down, clearly exhausted
Anubis wasn't in much better condition, he fell to his knees, out of breath
Seth tried to catch his breath
The shapeshifters were cut all over, and bruised

Little jackal got out, and instantly used shadow leap for extra strength, and to get behind Identity

"You're not much use, Jasper. We both know my strength is purely based on ability" they shouted as they grabbed his shoulders and slammed him into the ground, knocking him out

Raja looked at Little jackal, Smiled and nodded, and they stood back to back. Little jackal kneeling down to avoid the light.
Sereph motioned for all humans to escape the area, which they did
Sereph ran back to Orson

"You alright?" Sereph questioned
Orson sat up "don't worry about me
"worry more about getting the humans out of here, and avoid all physical contact"

Vanta stopped blocking the sun, and attacked the twins, they were violent towards the two, and the twins couldn't hit them, as they're a shadow, they ended up splitting up, they knew Vanta had their limits

Heichou jumped in between raja-ankh-yunet and Little jackal then kicked them away from each other, little jackal backflipped and landed on their feet, while Raja landed on the concrete, she stood up and whistled, as a sphinx flew down, grabbed her with his paws and flew onto the roof
"you heard him, didn't you? Get the humans out of here!" He shouted

"we'll hold off the demons" Scarus said as he helped Orson up and took a spear off his back, and handed it to Orson, and the two ran into battle

Heichou walked up to little jackal
they noticed their costume seemed to work for their ability, if they were truly a king, But their eye they could see would say otherwise. their ability would say they're from the king bloodline, but they're eyes would say they're from a strict bloodline, with target shaped iris' but there doesn't seem to be any indication of toxic voice.

Heichou walked up to little jackal
"I could recognise those eyes anywhere"
Little jackal ran towards heichou, but heichou jumped behind them as they ran, and kicked little jackal.
Little jackal grabbed his ankle quickly and threw him over their shoulder, as they stepped back and took out their scythe

Raja pushed some civilians into an alleyway. The alleyways were dark and crowded, but the other masked resistance members, resistance members always wore masks as its safer for them to not reveal their identity in case of demons recognizing their voice

Raja jumped onto a crate next to another masked resistance member. She was in a jackal mask, with one eye closed

"This is chaos" the masked jackal announced
"Mhm. Get the police here, with as many ambulances as possible. A lot of humans got hit by the chains, the humans were smart enough to take them with them when they escaped" raja replied
The masked jackal reached for a radio on their shoulder
"If anyone is close to any police station, get them, and tell them to send out as many ambulances as possible" she announced
"How many are there" a man asked as he crawled up the wall, in a spider mask
"Over 10,000 humans, but only 562 resistance members" the Sphinx replied
"How many injured immortals?" Raja asked

"All are injured. The most severely hurt, however, is the Norwegian mage" the spider masked man replied

"Orson? How bad?"

"He's got a ton of broken ribs. Took a weighted chain to the chest to protect Horus"

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