The day after battle

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Christie woke up, then put her mask on, tying it on the back of her head. She put her doctors coat on, then brushed her hair, and tyed it into a ponytail, before walking out of the room

"Christie?" Anubis asked, and Christie ran towards him
"No way, Anubis!" She said, jumping into his arms
"It's been too long, emo!" She said, and Anubis laughed
"Never forgot that damn nickname" he said, as he ruffled her hair slightly

"What's on the schedule for mr emo?" Christie questioned, and Anubis sighed
"Well, me and Orson are going to attempt, and I emphasize the word attempt, on healing little jackal and Irma, probably not going to work but, it's better then not trying at all"

"You've always had that attitude since college, you haven't changed one bit. Good" Christie said, as she patted Anubis on the head

"I heard about the 2 new patients, how are they?" Anubis questioned, as him and his friend walked down the hall

"Well, Ishiziki is a little shaken up, but Orson is going to chat with her later, and Nicole is fine, just exhausted" Christie explained "sweet girls, but been through hell"

"What the hell happened to them? I didn't see them amongst the hurt in the battle" Anubis questioned, and Christie nodded
"Well, Nicole escaped from kidnappers, and Ishiziki was hurt in the battle, but wasn't found for a while" she explained
"Hey. Do me a favor, can you try to have a conversation with Nicole? Just like, try to see what's going on, and you're a compassionate guy" She asked
"Sure. Which room is she in?" He questioned, and Nicole pointed "very end room on the left. She's quite scared, so be patient with her"

Horus woke up, as the sun flooded through the blinds, he covered his eyes with his arm, protecting his eyes from the morning sun

He sat up, and looked out the window
"Well, today will be interesting" he muttered

"Hey, Orson!" A man with short brown hair said
He had short brown hair, and bright blue eyes, he had covered his mouth with a mask, which was black with blue details. He wore a jumper and a polo shirt, with a red tie. He also wore grey dress trousers, which was tucked into knee high boots with blue highlights , which made him taller then he actually was. Next to him was a slightly shorter girl, with white hair and a black fringe. Her hair was tied into 2 pair of short, messy pigtails. Her eyes was split into quarters, coloured black and white. She wore a thigh length skirt with a long shirt, and the same boots as the man, but was highlighted white

Between these 2, was a much shorter girl, around 14 years old. She had white hair, which was tied into the same hairstyle as her mother, and she wore a long yellow dress, and black sandals, along with a gold locket around her neck
"Mr almalak!" The young girl exclaimed, as she ran over to Orson, giving him a hug around his waist
"Good morning, Melissa" he greeted as he patted the girl on her head
"Good morning, dimension, gravity" Orson greeted the adults

"Where's your children? We normally see them around you" gravity asked, as she tapped Melissa on the shoulder
"Oh, Anubis got hurt in the battle, and Orbis is with Anubis and sereph" Orson said, and Melissa looked at Orson
"Anubis, Orson and sereph are here?" She said, and Orson nodded, and Melissa smiled, as she looked at her parents

"Walk and talk" Orson said, as Melissa grabbed his arm "let's go on an adventure!" She said, and dimension nodded "by the way, we need to talk to you about your eldest"

"Anubis? Is it about the power up?" Orson asked, and gravity nodded "we're ready to teach them, whenever they're ready"
Orson knocked on little jackals' door, and walked in, as Little jackal put down their book, and sereph looked up from his drawing
"Melissa!" Orbis exclaimed, running up to Melissa

"Hey, can we talk, Anubis?" Dimension asked, and little jackal nodded
"What's up" they asked
Gravity took off the bag she carried on her back, and put it next to Little jackal, as they moved to sitting on the edge of their bed
Little jackal looked at Gravity
"Is this..." they began, and Gravity nodded
Little jackal opened the bag, and smiled
"This has to be a joke, right? Or is this real?"

Orson laughed "this is reality" he said, as he walked up to his kid, and little jackal hugged him tightly

Orbis stood up "what is it?" He asked, and Orson looked at him
"Your siblings going to be a super soldier, they made it onto the super soldier program" he said, and Orbis ran up to his sibling, hugging them from behind
Little jackal smiled "how many others made it?" They questioned, and Gravity took a deep breath
"Well, nobody else, that we're aware of, at least"

"Unless supernova and demon found people to train, them it's just you" dimension chimed in

Gravity kneeled in front of Little jackal
"When would you like to start?" She asked

"Well, I'm sure dad came in here to at least heal my ribs" they said, looking at Orson, who had his hand on his childs shoulder
"How about when my ribs are healed?" They said, and Gravity nodded "sounds good"

"When you're ready, put something you can easily move in, along with whats in that bag I gave you, then meet me and dimension on the rooftop, we can start from there" she said, her voice was calming, and matched her personality perfectly, a soft, gentle character

Little jackal nodded "alright!"

"Nicole?" Anubis questioned as he opened the door
Nicole looked at the man who walked into her room
Nicole had bandages and plasters all over her arms and legs, with a few on her face. Her long blonde hair had been tied into a ponytail, she had taken off her corset and dirty black dress, and put on some scrubs
"My name is Anubis Divinity, I'm a Doctor in the resistance, can we talk?" He asked, and Nicole nodded
"You seem nice" she said, slowly turning from the window

"I've been told by a good friend that you like looking out of the window" Anubis said, walking up to the girl
"Yes, it brings me feeling of... I think Tranquility is the right word, with being trapped for so long, it's lovely being able to see nature, y'know?"

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