2nd day

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Bastet woke up early, as she was used to. She was surprised when she saw Raeline already awake
Raeline took off her eyepatch and noticed bastet
'Oh, did I wake you?' She questioned
Bastet shook her head 'no, I wake up early' she explained
'Hey what happened to your eye?' Bastet questioned

Raeline covered her eye that she kept covered 'oh, I got this fighting demons' she said

The 2 got ready and walked into the main room to see Horus and Seth already awake

'Morning' Seth said to Raeline and Bastet

'Morning' Raeline replied

Bastet and horus put on their hoodies and went out to look for tactics at where the battle would take place

They saw Evelyn leaning against a wall at the battleground

'Heya Evelyn!' Bastet greeted
Evelyn looked up and waved
'You smell of alcohol' bastet cringed
'I had a party' she explained

Horus looked at her confused 'you said you drink heavily on weekends'

She nodded 'yeah?'

Horus replied 'it's Tuesday'

She looked around
'It was my brothers birthday. Wait... one brother is my twin and is born October 16th and the others born June 16th' she quickly replied

'Go home. You're drunk' bastet sighed

Evelyn stood up 'Oh yeah! I came here to help you!'

Bastet and Horus looked at eachother confused

'To help you plan the fight! Your locations. I know the main people and their abilities but I'm not sure on the others. Can you bring them here later?' She questioned, as she took off her hoodie

Horus nodded 'so whats your plan?'

Evelyn walked to the center of the battleground

'Hmm, I think the best way to fight would be with you all facing away from the sun. This would put you all at an advantage as, if I'm correct you have fire users with you. Fire users obviously have an advantage in the sun, and a child who's scared of the light. Because of all the tall buildings, there will be shadows, and the child can stay in the shadows' she explained as she pointed east

Horus looked at Evelyn 'that's smart. Anubis is terrified of light and with all this shadow it should be enough for them to fight'

She kept on walking around the battlefield, and said how specific features could be used to ones advantage, meanwhile Horus texted his uncle to when everyones awake bring them to the battlefield, bastet texted Orson to do the same

Horus looked up 'Evelyn, are you okay?' He asked

Evelyn looked up and said 'yeah, I'm fine'

'You are really not walking in a straight line. How drunk are you?' bastet replied

Evelyn sat down leaning against a wall 'I only had 2 bottles of vodka'

Horus and bastet looked at eachother. Horus motioned towards Evelyn and bastet shook her head in response
'Where are you actually from? I refuse to believe you're born in America' Horus said

'Eden' she quickly replied

Bastet walked towards Evelyn and leaned against the wall next to Evelyn 'Demons or Underwater' she said suspicious of Evelyn, the demons had called their city Eden to throw off mages

'I'm from the underwater one' she said

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