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"Alright! The reason you all are here is for your training. Apart from a few of you who will be training either solo or in a duo. These people will be listed after the trainers are listed
The trainers are Orson Almalak, Scarus Almalak, Vivian Creta, Alpha Creta, Dimension, Gravity, Anubis Du'at, Irma Du'at, Liliang Du'at, Ana Du'at and Xariantus Vivamus" Little jackal explained

"Alright" Vivian began, as she took a piece of paper off the desk
" Squad 1,Bastet Divinity and Ishiziki Iziminui, and I am your teacher

Squad 2, your teacher is Alpha, and this is the solo squad. Horus Divinity" she started

Orson sat in the cafeteria, he felt the opening assembly was repetitive. A few of the ones who had been there for a while scattered around the room
Opal, a green and brown eyed girl with green hair sat opposite Orson the next table over. She wore her normal casual outfit, a black leotard with red and white striped leg warmers, and a cardigan, along with a pair of black Geta, which she had taken off and crossed her legs, with her head on the table, she was probably asleep

Scarus sat in the quiet side of the cafeteria, smoking a cigarette, his head was back, and his knees were up to his chest, he was clearly bored. Nobody could blame him though, everyone was a bit bored

Xariantus was opposite Scarus, he had his head down and his arms on the table, he was most likely asleep too

Raja and her father were sitting on the opposite side of the cafeteria, playing a game on Raja's phone

Nathaniel sat on the table to the left of Orson, with his sister, Kaitlyn next to him, chatting quietly

Opal sat up, and rubbed her eyes, putting on her Getas, and walked to Orson, asking him if she can talk to him in private, to which he agreed

"What is it?" Orson questioned
"Well, it's Kaitlyn, I don't think she's a nice person, when I was washing my face last night, she came into the bathroom and started mocking me about my friends, who died in battle" Opal began "it's just- I wonder if she's nice to Nathaniel, you should see the look on his face when they're together, he looks terrified, and he flinches whenever she moves"
"I will have a look into it, thank you for telling me" he said

Opal grabbed his jacket sleeve "also, have you noticed Hayate has been spending all her time alone? She has seemed to isolate herself, I know she used to do that after what her father did, but she said she feels safe here. I know she trusts you, that's the thing, can you ask her about it? Me and a few others have started getting really worried, as she won't even leave her room for meals" She said, and Orson nodded
"I did recently notice that myself, I do plan on talking to her" he said, and Opal bowed slightly
"Thank you" she said, as she walked back to the cafeteria

Orson looked at the dorms, and sighed, as he walked to Hayate's dorm, and he paused for a few seconds, thinking about what he was going to say, as he knocked on the door

The door opened, and Hayate was on the other side
She was a fairly short woman, with long black hair, and light pink eyes. She wore a bandana over her hair, and a fleece, along with some baggy trousers
She also looked like she hasn't slept for a while
"Hayate, are you alright?" He questioned, and she looked down, before rushing to Orson and hugging him, burying her face in his jacket
He was startled by this, but hugged her back
"I'm scared" she whispered "scared to make friends, scared to trust the new recruits, it's just..." she began and Orson shushed her
"You don't have to tell me anything now, how about you come to my office some time this week?" He said, calmly and gently, his voice calming her down quickly
"Alright" she said
"Ah shit, I forgot my dad asked me to go to court" Hayate said
"To court? What happened?" Orson asked
"A court case of a 12 year old boy who murdered his classmate" she explained, as she grabbed her locker key
"Kira?" Orson asked, walking next to Hayate
"Wait, he's really dangerous!" Orson exclaimed "just- if anything happens, don't hesitate to call me for help. Alright?"

Hayate giggles "I'll be alright" she said, as she walked to the changing rooms

"If he's a big threat, might as well put in my uniform, can't fuckin fight in a suit, that is if I have to" she said, as she unlocked her locker

She put her staff on her back, and did up her fleece, using her shoulder to open the door as she put on her gloves
She took out her phone and called her father

"Hi dad, I'm just leaving the headquarters now" she said
"Alright. I take it you'll like to know the details?" Her father said
"If that's alright, I'd like to not be in the dark" she chuckled
"Alright. His name is Kira Thadal, he's a 12 year old boy" he began
"Does he happen to be related to Tsunami Thadal?" She asked, as she pushed the entrance door open, and walked towards the portal she summoned
"He is their little brother"
"Oh damn, fucking brilliant! What's with the Thadal family and being killers?" She complained, and her dad laughed
"There seems to be a lot"

"I'm almost home, I'll see you in a bit" she said
"See you" he replied, and she hung up as she turned the corner to her house, and put her key into the lock, turning it and letting herself in
"I'm home!" She announced, and a tall man walked up to her
He had long blonde hair, which covered one eye, and bright purple eyes, with a red pupil. His hair was tied into a low ponytail and he wore a black suit
She hugged the man
"You ready?" He asked, and she nodded
"Kinda nervous considering we're dealing with a fuckin child who's also a superhuman and a killer, but what do you expect nowadays?"

He grabbed the car keys, and they walked out the door, and into the car, fastening their seat belts

"Alright, do you have any details" she asked as he turned the key in the ignition

"Uhh, he's obviously 12 years old, 5ft 4, either violent or compliant, he's also a good fighter, even when unarmed" he explained
"Oh great, this will be fun" she said, leaning into her seat more

"So, from what I know, is that he stabbed a classmate in the throat with a pair of scissors"
"Wait. How? Those scissors are blunt at school!" She asked, and he just shrugged
"That mans got some freakish strength then, fuck" she said, as she looked at her lap

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