ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 | griever attack

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Everyone rushed to the North door, which was, in fact, open. As they were waiting, for something, anything, a loud clang echoed through the Glade, causing everyone to cover their ears. The South door opened as well. Another clang and it was the West wall that time and then the East. Hell was about to break loose. Rae whipped her head toward Chuck. "Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading the doors. Winston, go with him."

Gally tried to calm down the Gladers when they realized what was going to happen. "Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest. Go hide, now!" he barked at another Glader, who motioned all his friends to the woods.

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at Council Hall," said Thomas, and Minho ran off. "Teresa, you and I are gonna go get Alby, all right? Come on." Before the two could go get Alby, Teresa stopped in her tracks, staring at the boys coming from the deadheads after some roaring filled the Glade. The sound seemed to be coming from behind them, from the North wall. They all slowly turned around to look into what seemed like the empty maze, until two grievers appeared at the end of the tunnel. "Everybody hide!" yelled Newt.

Rae didn't even think twice. She grabbed Newt's hand and they took off sprinting to the cornfields. She could hear the giant, booming steps of the grievers after them and the ground shaking below her. The sounds of the other Glader's screaming as they tried to find a place to hide blended into the noise the grievers were making

Once they got to the cornfields, Rae and Newt ducked into the plants along with Thomas, Teresa, and a couple of other Gladers. The silence was killing Rae and she felt like she could hear her own heart beating as well as Newt's.

Suddenly, the screams of one of the Gladers resonating in Rae's ears as a blonde boy was grabbed by the metal talons of a griever. "Zart!" Rae yelped, but the griever pulled him away and threw him behind.

"Go! Get to the village!" yelled Thomas. Everyone ran through the cornfield as Zart's screams continued to fill the air. Rae wanted to shut her ears and pray that the sound would go away, but her blood rushing and heart pumping turned her into survival mode. The four of them made it to the med bay where they reconnected with Alby, Jeff and Clint hoisting Alby on his feet.

"Rae, what's going on?" asked Alby.

"It's the grievers. They're here."

Rae watched around her in shock as a griever pounced on a Glader in the field, snuffing out the torch he was holding. A scream rippled in her ears and she turned around only to see another boy get dragged into the dark shadows. Thomas yelled something inaudible, but Rae got the gist: go to the Council Hall. As Rae ran to the map room along with the other Gladers, another griever crashed through one of the buildings. For a split second, Rae slowed down, causing her to slip from the mud on the grass. By the time she regained her footing, the griever was slowly approaching her as its next target. Although she saw a griever before in what she thought would be her first and last time, the beast still frightened her. She stood at it in shock.

When Newt noticed that his best friend wasn't running beside him, he turned around to see Rae still as a tree, staring at the monster in front of her.

No, that was not Rae's end, Newt thought. He ran faster than he ever did in his life and when he reached her, Newt tried pulling her up, but she was still in shock as she stared at the beast charging at them. Right before the griever could catch up to them, metal spears pierced its belly, causing the monster to bellow out in pain.

As the griever was struggling, Newt hauled Rae up and they took cover in the Council Hall, Chuck shutting the door behind them once they went inside.

Once everyone was inside, Newt turned to Rae and stroked the side of her face. What she did scared Newt to death; he couldn't imagine a world without her in it. Their moment, however, was interrupted by a loud pounding on the council hall door. Suddenly, the griever jumped on the roof, which startled Rae into holding onto Newt's hand. Everyone could hear the monster walking on the roof, when a talon ripped through the wall, grabbing Chuck.

Thomas scrambled and held onto Chuck as everyone else tried to pull him down. Alby sat in the corner until rage engulfed him. He grabbed a wooden pole and started beating it, yelling while doing so, against the griever until it let go of Chuck. As Alby had his back to the wall, a sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through him, some movement outside caught Thomas's attention. "Alby! Watch out!" he yelled, but the griever grabbed Alby and pulled him as Alby held onto the roof. Thomas grabbed Alby's hand as he said, "Thomas, get them out," before he was ripped away from Thomas's hand.

"No!" Thomas screamed. Rae's eyes were wide in horror as she covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn't believe it. Her whole life was crashing down on her at one time. Her first friend here was gone.

And with that, the Glade was filled with silence. 

Enraged, Thomas stormed out of the council hall as everyone trailed him, trying to stop him, except Rae and Newt, who were by themselves in the hall. The redhead turned to her best friend. "Hey. Thanks for saving me. I--"

Newt wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying. He grabbed her face and pressed his lips on hers, something he was waiting to do for 3 years. Rae, although surprised by Newt's actions, leaned into the kiss more. Rae was drowning in pure ecstasy, which was ironic considering what just happened. The boy she wanted was finally hers. And the girl he wanted was finally his. 

Pulling away, New took the girl's hand in his and they exited the hall together. Rae took in the destruction around her. The grass was set on fire and a griever roared in the distance, but at least they were in the maze.

A tall figure from the smoke emerged, stomping his way to Thomas, Teresa, and the rest of the group. Once he came forward, Rae noticed it was Gally and he was furious. In a split second, Gally socked Thomas across the jaw, sending him to the ground. Newt and Minho pulled him away from Thomas.

"This is all you, Thomas! Look around!" said Gally.

"Back off, Gally! It's not Thomas' fault!" said Minho.

"You heard what Alby said! He's one of them!" yelled Gally, struggling against Frypan and Newt. "He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has! Look around, Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!"

"Calm down," said Newt.

"They sent him here, and now he's destroyed everything that we've built!" rambled Gally.

Rae approached Gally. "Get yourself together, Gally," she ordered. "Now is not a good time to be turning on one another."

"He's not one of us!"

"Maybe he's right," whispered Thomas and Rae turned around to see him holding the needle from the Griever. "I need to remember." Thomas stabbed the needle into his thigh and fell down, going in and out of consciousness.



idk how i feel abt this chapter (i might edit it once i finish the book to make it more cohesive) but ig it's not too bad cause they **kissed** FINALLy.

xoxo meg

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