Chapter 5- Amortentia's

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The discomfort of concrete woke Vye from her slumber. She was in a dimly lit dungeon with scratches lining the walls. The ground and walls were made of concrete, and around her were torn chunks of cloth and fabric from clothing. Next to her was Lupin, still asleep but with bad scratches and even worstly mangled clothes. When she stood up most of the bones in her body cracked, as it seemed they were popping back into place. Her thighs and hips were covered in bruises, and her arms had scratches along the insides.

Violet quietly crept out the door that appeared to be used in medieval times. The hall had no light, so Vye pulled out her wand. "Lumos!" said Vye in a whisper. "Excuse me, do you know the time!" said one of the paintings on the walls. "Sorry, really, ope- sorry." Vye continued down the hall, disturbing the paintings and unable to see three feet in front of her. Suddenly slight tapping was heard from behind her. Walking down the hall was Mrs. Norris. "Shoo, you wretched thing!" said Vye as she looked at the cat's red eyes. Mrs. Norris seemed somewhat offended, and due to this went off to get her caretaker.

Violet had been walking for a few minutes, and as it seemed, she was still walking in the halls towards the moving staircases. She was now shivering, with Christmas only a few weeks away and the lack of put together clothes, the halls were like freezers. She continued to walk, shaking and holding onto her wand tightly. "EXCUSE ME, YOU- STOP- SNAPE WE FOUND ONE!" Vye turned round to find Filch holding a lantern, the snooty Mrs. Norris sat next to him. "You're not getting out of this one girl!"

Soon Snape came running down the hallway, wearing his sleeping robes. "Professor I- you know I- full moon-" said Vye as she stood there covering her bare skin. Snape turned towards Filch, his face looking very angry. "You absolute DINGBAT, she's a LUPIN!" said Snape as he brushed his hair back. Filch stood there a few seconds processing, then he gave a small gasp, signaling he understood. "Im sorry sir, Mrs. Norris alerted me and I- I thought it was Potter." Snape looked around then back at Vye, "Potter isn't with you is he?" Vye shook her head no fast and stood there a little while longer. "So, can I go back to my dorm or-" Snape nodded yes and turned back around. Filch nodded as well, signaling an almost sorry goodbye.

Finally Violet arrived at the steps up to Gryffindor common room. "Baubles," said Vye as she walked into the fire lit room. She was shocked when she walked in, she had suspected nobody to be awake. "Where have you been?" said Harry looking at her clothes and dirty face. "Nowhere." Harry and Violet stood staring at each other for a while. "I'm gonna go to bed-" said Vye and Harry nodded, quickly sitting back down by the fire. Violet entered the dorms, the chest was now back under the bed, and everybody was asleep normally. Holy shit. Vye had forgotten she kissed Hermione. To be honest-- she had completely forgotten she had even told Hermione anything. But when she remembered she felt embarrassed, yet happy. She felt like something was lifted off of her shoulders, but at the same time, her history wasn't the cleanest, and that might make anybody back away. The kiss was great, and she didn't know if Hermione really felt that way, or if it was just to calm her down. Either way she was tired and that was something only sleep could fix.

Violet sat on her bed, looking at a clock and calendar. It was six AM on Monday the first day of classes. She laid her head down on her pillow, hoping to find some comfort in the warmth. She was fine until she heard the crumpling of paper underneath her head. Beneath her ear was a small letter, sealed with red wax and a gold heart. When she opened it she began to read. "Dear Vye, we need to talk. Tonight there is a Hufflepuff party in their common room. Lavender and Parvati will be gone. I know this might be confusing for both of us, I understand. See you in the morning. Love, Mione." Vye smirked at the word love. Her heart beating much faster than it was before, she laid her down once more, trying to salvage any sleep she could get.

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