Chapter 15- Pages upon Pages

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The great hall was packed with fourth, sixth and seventh years eating happily. Lunch was always rather busy due to the tarts the houselves make. Harry and Ron had found themselves fighting over a peach one. The crust was golden brown and the top had a peach seared into the dough. "HEY GET OFF IT!" said Harry pulling away from Ron. "ITS MY TART I SAW IT FIRST!" said Ron angrily. Harry shoved the entire dessert into his mouth, barely making sense as he talked. "YOU'VFE ALREADY SHOFVED FIVE IN YOUR MOUF!"

Hermione had started reading a book on the different breeds of toads, from the dragon toad to western green toads. "Why have you been so interested in frogs lately," said Ron shoving a small pumpkin pie in his mouth. "They are toads Ronald," said Hermione annoyed. "It's that boy John, she fell for a choir boy. He's obviously hypnotized her to worship the singing toads," said Harry as he and Ron laughed. Hermione looked up, glaring at the two boys. They both stopped giggling, afraid that the large book she was holding would be soon hitting them on the head.

Hermione rolled her eyes and stood, "I have to go to the dorm to grab books before my tutoring lesson, do your homework before I get back will you?" The boys nodded and she headed down the hall. When she entered through the portrait hole she found Violet carrying a large pile of clothes in her arms. Both girls stared at each other for a while until Violet silently spoke. "Mione..." "Don't-" said Hermione as she shook her head. Violet dropped the clothes and walked forward. "Please can we- I don't know- talk!" Hermione looked at the black haired girl blankly. "No."

"Listen Hermione, I know I hurt you- I really do! But, if we try- we can work this out. Not only or us but for our friends." Hermione smiled a bit and spoke deadly, "You mean my friends." Violet gave a shaky breath but silenced when Hermione started to speak again. "Violet, I know you're now living with Eleanor, that's why you're carrying the clothes. And I know you just want to be together so you can feel the rush of cheating on me again." Violet shook her head starting to cry.

"You don't even know how good it feels to not be concerned about where you are, if you're with her, or if it will end. Because Violet if you haven't noticed, it ended awhile ago, our relationship ended when you asked me to be your girlfriend. Violet it was never meant to be you and I, and I think we both knew that. You push everyone away, I knew someday it would be me. Look Violet, you even pushed away your own father, you pushed Lupin away because he could see you becoming the one person you vowed to never be-- your mother." Violet scoffed and looked down at her feet. "I hope you enjoy your time with Eleanor, because eventually she will leave, just like she always does. When it happens, we won't be here, because you pushed us away, hurt us more than you could ever imagine." Violet had tears streaming down her face. "And one last thing, she's not a veela, she didn't give you a potion, you're just a bad person."

Violet picked up the clothes and rushed out of the common room. Hermione wiped a single tear from her cheek and gave a sigh of relief. She grabbed her books and headed for Mcgonagall's room.

When she arrived at the classroom only one person was in the room. All of Mcgonagall's classes had ended for the day so John and Hermione had decided it was a great place to meet. Hermione quickly sat on a small stool at the table. "Hello," said Mione as she sat down with her books. "Hey! We're gonna do potions today, open your Potions of utter disaster book and I'll quiz you," said John as he looked at a piece of parchment.

Hermione pushed her book aside and nodded. "Go," John looked at a list and repeated a name. "Bloodroot-" "Bloodroot is a poison most commonly used to spike drinks such as red wine. The deep red color is perfect for spoiling fancy dinners. Most of the internal effects are unknown, but we do know that the victim will pass in about five minutes after consumption." John looked at Hermione stunned. "Oh sorry-"

"Drink of Despair go-" said John as he looked in a deep black book. "The drink of despair is an emerald green color, most commonly used to torture its victims. Its side effects include very bad stomach pains, fear, delirium, and extreme thirst. The drink does not kill the victim unless taken in extreme doses. It has been known to be used by the dark army way back when," said Hermione as she looked up at the ceiling.

"So i'm guessing you don't really need a tutor," said John with a smile. "No, I memorized all these books when I was a first year. Mconagall thinks it will be good for me though- practice I guess," said Hermione as she pulled out a leather notebook. "Oh yeah, I did some research on singing frogs after I finished my homework last night and I've decided they are a combination of a giant purple toad and crested toad. Look, the purple toad has strongly built vocal cords and a huge body. The crested toad on the other hand as the same color and skin," said Hermione pointing at pictures of the two.

John's eyes scanned the page and he gave a smile. "That is perfect." Hermione nodded and continued to read the notebook looking for more details. "Oh uh- Hermione?" said John. "Hm?" John looked at his feet and began to speak. "Are you- still with that Violet girl?" Hermione shook her head and sighed, "No thank goodness." John smiled and nodded, "Well, it seems you have this all down, so why don't we use this time to go to Hogsmeade next week?" Hermione nodded quickly and closed her notebook.

"Awesome, oh we still have twenty minutes." Hermione looked at the books and her face lit up. "Why don't we do some research on the black lake, I heard that there are actual Selkies down there!" John looked shocked. "Really? That sounds really interesting, library?" Hermione nodded and the two quickly left the classroom.

When she got back from the library she headed to her dorm. Hermione was exhausted from pure joy. Her bed was the one thing she craved. She entered her room and looked to the right, to find Violet's bed completely empty, no covers or pillows. She walked to the wardrobe and opened it quickly. It was completely empty, not a single tie or sweater to be seen. Hermione felt a tear stream down her face as she walked around the room.

Hermione pulled the covers off her bed hoping to feel comfort in her mattress. When she pulled off the sheet she found parchment. Her face scrunched and she was very confused, she hadn't left her homework out or anything. She picked up the paper and began to read. A shaky sob left her body as she realized. They were pages upon pages of love letters.

"Dear Mione, I kissed you today." said one of them. She pulled another away from the group and sobbed even more. "To my angel, I love you." Her face was now bright red. "My future wife, I can't wait to see you in that white dress." Hermione set down the letters, taking a deep breath. She knew what they were- lies. She scooped up the pile and headed towards the garbage, dumping each piece of paper into the bin.

Hermione laid in bed, her mind raced thinking about each letter and the long message that followed each greeting. But soon her head wandered from Violet, to the library, and the toads, and the pure euphoria being with John brought. She never had a doubt with him, and that was enough to convince her, Violet didn't matter anymore.

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