Chapter 13- Greenhouse

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Days had passed since Hermione had attended a class. Mconagall had come to visit her and found her staring into the fire, a hopeless look on her face. She had said nothing, and the teacher left, giving the weeping girl her privacy.

Now Hermione had chosen her bed as her crying quarters. She felt numb, like every emotion had fled her body and the tears were just leftover thoughts. The covers were over her body, and her head was rested upon the mattress. Snot and tears were plastered onto her pale face. The door creaked open silently, Hermione pulled her legs closer to her stomach trying to stay quiet.

"Mione?" said Harry. The girl peered from under the sheet, her eyes glossed over and her hair a tangled mess. "Oh Hermione..." said Harry as he rushed over to the bed. He cupped his hands around her face, looking worryingly at her. He sat down on the bed, wrapping his arms around her as she began to sob. Neville turned the corner and quickly ran into the room. He looked at Harry and sat down on the bed as well. Hermione hiccuped and gasped for air as she tried to speak.

"It's her- me- i... im not good enough Harry!" Said Hermione as she belted. "Eleanor... WHY ELEANOR!" Harry looked over at Neville and nodded. Neville stood quickly and pulled a skinny bottle out of his pocket. Inside was a silvery gray liquid that glistened in the light of the overcast sky. "Drink," said Neville, handing her the bottle. Hermione looked at Neville curiously, slowing down her cries. "What- what is it." "Don't worry Amber made it for you using lavender she grew herself," said Neville with a soft smile. Hermione took the bottle and swiftly drank it, leaving only a purplish sheen on the glass.

Hermione's body relaxed, her breaths grew deeper, and her eyelids fluttered tiredly. Harry looked at the drowsy girl, "Calming Draught." Hermione leaned into her pillow, closing her eyes as she sniffled. Slowly she drifted asleep, the only movement coming from her chest rising and falling.

Harry looked at Neville and signaled towards the door, both boys tiptoed out. Slowly Harry shut the door, turning his head towards the very silent boy. "I cant believe Violet, I mean, Eleanor? She just got here, she's known Hermione for what, three years? And Ron! I haven't seen him in days because he's always with her!" Neville nodded and tugged and his sleeves. "What's wrong Nev?" said Harry looking at him fidgeting. "I saw- ELeanor and Violet walking outside together, on the way here." Harry took a deep breath and shook his head. "Your fucking kidding me!" said Harry as he ran to the portrait. "Harry!" said Neville. "I'm staying with Hermione, be careful, and don't get in trouble."

Harry nodded and began to exit the door, but was stopped by a very dazed Ron. "Oh hey Harry!" said Ron. Harry looked at him furious. "Where is Eleanor." Ron scrunched his face and looked in the boy's eyes. "She's with Violet." "But where." Ron furrowed his brows and sighed. "Harry I don't know why you and Neville don't like El, Violet is with Hermione, Eleanor is with me, they are just friends. Plus Harry, it is a good thing Vye has other friends besides Granger. She's so uptight!" said Ron whilst laughing.

Harry shoved Ron out of the way and began to head down the stairs. "Oi, watch it!" said Ron. Harry continued forward, sticking his middle finger up behind him. "Fuck off."

Harry hurried outside, looking along the grounds for any sight of two girls. "Where the fuck are you." Soon he spotted the greenhouse. Two silhouettes could be seen. He stomped on the iced over grass and pulled the doors open. Inside was Violet and Eleanor, hands intertwined and faces locked. Harry stopped in shock, backing up a little. Violet turned her head quickly, staring at the frozen boy. "You disgust me," said Harry as he turned away.

Eleanor smirked and watched Violet jump up. "Harry!" said Violet as she chased after him. "Please, talk to me!" She ran up next to him, her face bright red. Harry continued to walk. "Harry- I was going to end it with Hermione soon-" Harry stopped and looked at Violet. "Thats a lie." Violet began to whimper and a tear streamed down her cheek. "Harry, it's the thrill, I can't do it anymore. It's always the same pace, the same things, holding hands- gifts-" Harry stopped her "Happiness." Violet shook her head and brushed her hair back. "Harry I- I just can't," said Vye as she sobbed louder. The girl fell to the ground. "Please Harry." Harry cleared his throat and looked at Violet numbly, "You deserve every piece of guilt, sadness and hurt you get these next few weeks. You know what- I hope it never goes away. I hope you are TORMENTED with the feeling for the rest of your life." Violet looked up and shook her head. "You don't mean that..." "Oh but I do."

When Harry had arrived back at the dorms Hermione's Calming Draught had worn off. On the couch was Mione resting her head on Nevilles lap. Neville looked at Harry with a curious look. Harry closed his eyes and mouthed the word "Cheater". Neville gasped and looked down at the howling girl. Hermione calmed herself down and turned to harry. "You found her didn't you, with her." Harry looked at his feet, and reluctantly nodded. "Of course she was," said Hermione with a scoff.

Sorry for taking so long to post!!! Story is not finished, still have quite a bit of plot to go over, love you all-Lexi

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