Chapter 16- In the Future

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A rush of wind blew Hermione's hair into her face. Her hand wrapped tightly around Johns as they stepped out of a brick fireplace. A large room surrounded them, painted white and covered in silver curtains. Each wall was draped with lush green vines. "Wow, they really went all out!" said Hermione as she looked at the tables. The tables were covered in light gray cloth, a lavender plant sitting on each one.

In every plant pot sat a small business card with the title "Longbottom Plants and Service". Hermione smiled at the greenery, thinking immediately of Neville. She hadn't seen him and Amber since the opening of their plant shop last spring. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for the couple.

John spotted them at a table near the front, sitting next to Harry, Ron and Draco. The two walked over to the group and greeted Neville and Amber. "Oh Hermione!" said Amber as she stood to hug the girl. "Let me see the ring!" Hermione put her hand out, revealing a gold band ring with a brown marbled stone. "That is absolutely gorgeous!" said the girl sitting back down.

The boys chuckled at the girls excitement and took turns examining the jewelry. "You did good John, not as good as me though," said Draco, putting out Harry's hand. Harry quickly pulled his hand back and gave the blonde boy a smack on the shoulder. "Stop it Draco! Sorry about him, anyways- long time no see Mione," said Harry with a smirk. The girl scoffed knowing the three boys had all stayed at Her and Johns apartment for the last week due to a Snidget infestation.

Ron cleared his throat and took a sip of a deep red drink. "Already drinking are we Ron?" said John. "I couldn't manage to find a date." Harry laughed and shook his head. "You can't manage to find a girlfriend let alone a date-'' Ron scowled at the boy while he laughed. Hermione chuckled and looked around. "Any idea where the others are?" Neville turned his head and pointed at a table to the left of them.

Sitting at the table was Lexi, Emme, Matt and Pansy. John walked over a little bit after Hermione, searching the room for something. "Any clue where my brother is?" said John. Matt shrugged and looked around. "Probably off worrying about something." All the girls including Hermione were in lavender dresses, and all the boys were in dark gray suits.

"So who are all the bridesmaids?" Lexi set down a drink and looked around. "Me, you, Emme, Pansy and Amber. Oh and the bride will be up there as well." "And the groomsmen are me, Neville, Harry, John and Ron," said Matt. Hermione nodded and turned her head to see a crowd of guests beginning to arrive by floo powder.

Suddenly Scarpitti turned out from a corner and started fidgeting with his tie. "How do I look?" John smiled, "Good enough for your own wedding." The crowd began to sit at the tables split by a deep gray aisle. The group quieted down and went to the back of the room, beginning to walk in groups down the aisle.

Once they had all reached the front arch, classical music began to play. The guests stood and turned toward a large wooden door that was beginning to open. In came a beautiful blonde woman with dazzling gray eyes. Luna. Covering her body was a white dress made of silk and lace. The sleeves cut off her elbows and the neckline dropped down to form a square shape. She had a silver necklace around her neck with a pink stone in the middle. Hanging from her ears were small gem radishes that contrasted the pale look perfectly.

The guests were entranced by her appearance, staring solely at the bride. Scarpitti couldn't take his eyes off the girl, a very happy smile on his face. When Luna had reached the arch the guests sat down, still in awe at the girl's beauty. Hermione smiled at the happiness of the two, looking a little to the right to see John standing next to his brother. Mione looked down at her hand, the ring glittering in the natural sunlight. Her mind was fixed on the joy she felt, and had felt since she met John in transfiguration. And even though she was only filled with happiness she couldn't help but forget Violet, and the pain she felt after.

She hadn't seen the girl since she graduated, and she was thankful for it. Hermione was taken out of her trance by the claps of the guests. Hermione clapped along as well, watching the married couple hold hands down the aisle. She met with John again, soon walking down the aisle after them. A huge smile was plastered on her face, thinking of everybody she knew, and how everybody was as happy as they could be in that moment. She turned her head, and in the crowd was a woman she knew well. Mcgonagall. The professor winked at her and smiled. Hermione laughed and looked forward, continuing to walk with her fiance. The End.

Hey everyone! Its sad for me to say, but pages is finished! I will continue writing so if you have things you want to read tell me what and who to write about next. Love you~ Lexi

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