Chapter 14- The Ravenclaw Tutor

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The air was oddly warm, the blankets felt soft, a lot more comfortable then when Hermione had been confined to them. It now was two days after she found out about Violet, and she had seemed to already get over it. Of course it was strange to roll over and not see Violet, but it was almost a relief to not have to have conversations with the girl everywhere. Hermione threw on her uniform and took a deep breath, tugged on the door handle and headed to the commons.

As usual three boys were sitting on the couch, Harry, Neville and Ron. Harry and Nev had been conversing about defensive spells whilst Ron sulked on the opposite side of them. "Oh hey Mione!" said Neville with a bright smile. "Hey Nev, what's up with Ron?" Harry looked up at her and blank spoke, "We told him about Eleanor." Ron looked up and scrunched his face. "Don't say her name! I already feel bad enough..." Hermione looked down and sighed, she felt bad for Ron, but also very angry he was brainwashed.

"Why are you wearing your robes?" said Harry. "I think i'm ready to go back, I feel strangely good." Neville smiled and nodded. "You know what Hermione! That is EXACTLY the attitude we need right now!" Hermione giggled as Neville wrapped his arm around her. "Well come on! We have breakfast!"

The gryffindor table was filled with whispers when Hermione had appeared. Hermione had never skipped a class, let alone miss a whole two weeks. Hermione however could care less, she hadn't eaten in two days and could practically feel her organs pressing against her stomach. Ron however, the usual pig, hadn't even touched his silverware. "Ronald, why aren't you stuffing your face," said Hermione with three pieces of toast down her throat.

"Mione, i'm so sorry for ever loving that evil witch." Hermione raised her eyebrows and took a sip of her orange juice. "Only if you listened-" Harry coughed and smirked. "She really must feel good if she's already bullying Ron." Hermione smiled and Ron began to stuff his mouth with small fruit tarts. Behind her she heard a familiar laugh, sitting at the ravenclaw table was Eleanor, and Violet. Harry scoffed as he took a bite of a pastel green colored apple. "She never was a good person, I really don't know what she sees in her," said Harry. "Slytherin purebloods are always the same," said Hermione with a grunt. The three boys looked at her confused but Hermione shrugged them off. "Come on, transfiguration."

Hermione sat down at a dark brown table, a soft smile on her face. Mcgonagall spotted her instantly, her teeth showing quickly. "Oh Hermione! You don't know how good it is to have you back!" Hermione nodded and looked down. "Yeah I was going through a bit of a rough patch, it's great to be here." Mcgonagall's smile faded and she fidgeted with her hands. "You see Hermione, we- teachers, have decided a tutor would be best for you." Hermione's face turned quickly, "A what!" Mcgonagall cleared her throat and began to speak quietly. "You see Hermione, I got to pick him, and he can help you more ways than one." Hermione looked even more shocked, "Him?" Mcgonagall smiled and pointed at a table in the front of the room.

Hermione got up and sat down next to a boy wearing a gray sweater, a ravenclaw patch sewed into the cloth. He had short brown hair and a prefects badge pinned to his chest. "Oh uh- i'm Hermione." The boy looked at her and smiled, "Hi Hermione, i'm John." Hermione was shocked by the boy putting out his hand, but she shook it happily. "I see you're a prefect!" said Hermione excited. "Oh yeah, I really don't know why I got this old thing, might have to be with my report on the singing frogs I wrote last year." Hermione's face lit up, "I read that! The way you describe the breed is magnificent, I mean surely they aren't normal toads, they're massive!" John smiled and nodded his head, "Completely agree, I mean come on, you don't see- whats his name, Trevor singing songs like that!" Hermione laughed and looked forward, blushing quite obviously.

Hermione sat in the gryffindor commons, scribbling down breeds of toads and frogs in the wizarding world. She actually enjoyed talking with John, the simpleness of the conversation and pure joy on both their faces made for a great time. She still had a huge smile plastered on her face, her cheeks were still bright red and her hands got a bit wobbly when she thought of transfiguration.

Harry and Ron walked through the portrait hole arguing about quidditch. "What's up with you?" said Harry when he saw her smirking. "I have a tutor." "And Why would that make you happy? Nevermind, who is she?" said Ron knowing exactly what the smile on her face meant. "He actually," said Hermione scribbling once more. "His name is John, he's a ravenclaw prefect, in the choir, smart, and absolutely pleasant!" Harry's eyes widened and his mouth fell open, "Oh my god the choir boy." Ron laughed, his hand over his mouth. "You be quiet! I will hit you with this potions book- shoo!" The boys raced up the steps to the dorms, still giggling madly.

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