Chapter 8- A Morning Of Drama

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Breakfast on Thursdays was always best, it had toast and jam, and even the heart shaped eggs you see inside home-life magazines. Violet and Hermione sat on the left side of the table, on the other side was Harry. Ron had not been seen since he left the three broomsticks, Harry had not even seen him sneak into the dorm to sleep or pick up clothes. Everybody thought it was best to let him be, whatever was happening was lavender's choice, and he needed to be there for her when she made the decision.

The great hall had been quieter than usual, it seemed either everybody was focused, or in a somber mood. Hermione was reading a book about potions, the herb Dittany to be specific. It is one of the best healing ingredients for a potion, and Hermione was fascinated by the root. Harry sat on the right and across from Vye. He was teaching her all the things Ron taught him about wizard chess. "See Vye, this is a pawn, attack like this." suddenly a white pawn took out the black pawn diagonally, hitting it with a sword. Vye raised her eyebrows. "Huh, interesting."

The calm of the room came to a halt when the slytherin table began to chuckle and whisper. "Goyle no! You have all of break to do this!" said Draco as he grabbed his sleeve. "Back off me Malfoy!" said the tall boy. But as he stepped away an even taller slytherin boy stepped in front of him, Matt. "No Goyle-," said Matt looking him in the eye. "Move out of my way!" The boy slipped past Matt clenching a thickly rolled piece of parchment. He walked to the end of the green and silver table, past the ravenclaw and directly towards gryffindor.

"Oh god- here he comes," said Hermione looking at the thick headed boy. Goyle turned to the right and walked up to Harry. He then hit him up top the head with the parchment. "What was that on about!" said Harry as he rubbed his scalp. Goyle then crouched down whispering something very quietly into Harry's ear. Harry stood quick,locking eyes with Draco as he listened to the very smug faced Goyle. "ENOUGH ABOUT MY PARENTS!" yelled Harry as he stormed off. Goyle started laughing, now staring down Hermione.

The next noise was made from Draco running out of the hall and towards Harry, calling after him as he went faster. It took the room a few minutes to continue chatting and eating. Hermione and Vye however had decided they better leave. "This has got to stop happening," said Hermione as her fingers intertwined with Vyes. "What?" said Vye as they both stood up. "What is going on with them!" Violet shrugged, she knew, but she wouldn't tell unless the time came.

"Oh how was the book on Dittany?" said Violet as they walked the moving staircases. "Very good, I find it interesting it doesn't completely remove the look of the wound, but most of it- it's the first time I've seen this before in a healing root!" Violet smiled as she listened to Hermione rant. Hearing her talk about her joys and passions was one of the best things about being with her, especially when she agreed.

"Password! Said the portrait. "Extravaganza!" said Hermione. The painting then swung open to reveal the common room, yet it wasn't empty, but filled by two very loud boys. "YOU COULD OF DEFENDED ME YOU KNOW!" said Harry through sobs. "I TRIED- I JUST-" Draco cut off, he looked over at Violet and Hermione. "I SEE HOW IT IS MALFOY, JUST GET OUT!" said Harry as he quickly climbed the steps to his dorm. Draco stood in silence for a bit, until he quickly exited the room. "SEE VIOLET- WHY DO THEY-" but then Hermione looked at Violet, a look on her face that she knew well. "Are they?" Violet nodded, Hermione sighed. "I didn't know, I didn't mean for that to sound rude-" Violet hugged Hermione and consoled her before sitting on the couch next to the fire. Hermione rested her head on Violet's shoulder, taking in the peace and quiet of an already drama-filled day.

Once again the peace is disturbed when a very rough looking Ron stepped into the common room. "Ron!" said Hermione as she got up and gave him a hug. He gave her a very long hug next, then moved to Violet. "We've missed you Ron," said Vye whilst in his embrace. Ron backed away and sat down. "So, uh you might want to sit. She decided not to keep it." Violet and Hermione nodded, holding hands whilst hearing the news. "Any idea where Harry is? I'd really like to tell him," said Ron as he stood and began walking to the dorms. "Wait- Ron no," said Hermione. He stopped and turned, his eyes now on Violet. "What?"

"Harry is going through something right now okay?" Ron furrowed his brow and nodded. The girls stayed in the commons as Ron ascended the stairs. "Harry?" said Ron as he knocked on the door. When he entered a crying Harry was sitting on the bed. "Harry!" Ron then sat next to him, one hand on his back as he comforted him. "What was the decision?" said Harry while crying. "We didn't keep it- Harry are you okay?" Harry shook his head no and his breaths got shaky. "What is it? Is it Cho?" Harry stood up and wiped his eyes. "I'm not with Cho Ron." Ron stood as well, "Well, its okay, I know you'll get another girl Harry.'' Harry shook his head and sat down again. "No I won't." Ron looked at him confused. "Of course you will Harry!" said Ron with a smile. "No Ron- I- I'm gay."

Ron looked shocked, but his expression soon changed, and the surprise turned to another small smile. "Oh Harry, why didn't you tell me!" Harry shook his head. "Ron, you got a girl pregnant, I don't think it was really the right time." Ron laughed and gave Harry a hug. "Is it Draco?" said Ron while wrapping his arms around him. "Yes." Ron nodded, still holding Harry as he wept. "It will be okay Harry, thank you for telling me- now, who are you taking to the Yule Ball?"

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