Chapter 6- Harry's Secret

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The gentle rustling of Hermione woke Vye from her slumber. The tired girl laid quietly against Violet's side. She was wearing a large muggle band tee Vye had gotten from her trip to america last summer. "Come on Mione, breakfast starts in ten minutes." Hermione nodded and threw her legs over the bed. Vye stared for a while, her messy hair and long eyelashes made Hermione look like a goddess- and to her, she was.

They both got dressed, wearing cardigans and small skirts. Vye wore gray knee highs while Hermione wore some tights. Vye turned to leave but Hermione grabbed her tie, pulling her in for a kiss. Vye followed and when it was over, smiled and turned the door handle. "Well go on, ladies first."

The common room was almost empty, and it seemed the school had already gotten into the funk of work. Sitting on the couch was Ron, next to him a very sleepy Harry. "Ron, what's up with Harry?" Ron looked over at him and back to the girls. "He didn't get back until late last night, he was really quiet, I assumed a fight happened so I didn't say anything." Vye raised her eyebrows and smirked. Ron turned back to Harry, hitting him on the shoulder. "WAKE UP SNAPE'S HERE!" yelled Ron. Harry jolted awake, looking around nervously. The three chuckled at the frightened boy, soon heading to the great hall.

The teens sat down at the gryffindor table, quickly beginning to scarf down as much food as they could. Vye was drinking her milk until Hermione grabbed her hand under the table. Vye slightly hiccuped and smiled at Hermione. The two boys stared at them confused. "What are you doing? Why did- HARRY WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR NECK!" Sitting on Harry's neck were three small purple bruises. Hermione who was drinking choked and started to chuckle. Violet smirked at the boy and started to laugh as well. "WHO- WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME- WHO WAS IT?" yelled Ron. Harry looked at the boy very upset. "Shut it Ron!" Harry leaned closer, thinking for a second. "Cho found me on my way to meet Draco, that's it." Hermione rolls her eyes and Ron happily gives Harry a pat on the back. Violet locked eyes with Harry, that didn't seem right.

Transfiguration was always first on Tuesdays. It was the easiest for Vye and Hermione, and Mcgonagall loved them most. "Hello, sit, yes sit." Vye sat next to Hermione, Ron next to Neville, and Harry next to Draco. "Today I want you all to turn this porcupine into a pin cushion, so go on give it a try!" Hermione looked at Vye. They both pointed their wands at the small creature. "HISTRIFORS!" said the two. Their porcupine immediately turned into a red pin cushion. "Very good girls!"

Ron and Neville went next, pointing their wands at the porcupine they started to say the incantation. "Histri- AH A SPIDER!" said Ron. "WHERE?" said Neville. The Porcupine stayed exactly as it was, but one thing was missing- Professor Mcgonagall. Sitting on the floor was a small green pin cushion with a human nose. "RONALD!" said Hermione looking down at the thing, "Revelio!" The pin cushion suddenly turned back into the teacher- who was very upset. "Ronald Weasley! You better be happy your friend knows the counter spell or I would've been STUCK as a pin cushion!" Ron bowed his head, embarrassed and sorry. "Learn the counter spell before tomorrow! Leave-go-shoo!"

The next class was Defense against the dark arts. Lupin being the teacher made the class a lot more enjoyable for the group. "Hello! Come sit. As you may remember last year we worked with boggarts, now I would like to go over it one more time before we head into a more serious subject, so go, line up!" The Class shuffled to the center of the room, standing in a line before a small wood wardrobe. First was Ron. He stood with his legs apart and his wand at the ready. The boggart stepped out of the closet, and to be honest, it wasn't that scary.

Ron's eyes widened and he backed up. His boggart was a frail woman, wearing a church hat and a coat with frills. Ron backs up even further. "NOT MY GREAT AUNT TESSIE!" said Ron as he ran to the back of the line. Everybody laughed as Hermione stepped up to the woman. The old lady turned to a scene. Hermione was sitting on the couch with her parents, they were sitting there patiently. Scene Hermione started to speak. "Mum, dad, I have something to tell you." Hermione quickly raised her wand and said the spell. Her breathing intensified, but she walked away calmly as the people in the scene started to dance.

Next was Draco. He calmly stepped up to the boggart, who quickly transformed from a dancing Hermione to his father. Draco looked up at the man. Lupin stood back silent, waiting for him to say the spell. Draco continued to stare, never raising his wand at the creature. Suddenly Lucius hit Draco across the face, causing him to fall to the ground. He started to crawl away, but the boggart then took its cane and hit him on the leg. Draco screamed in pain. The class gasped. Harry suddenly ran from the line, kneeling by him. Ron furrowed his brow, confused at the sight of Harry helping Draco.

Harry helps Draco stand, and they soon limp out of the classroom. Lupin stepped forward, "RIDDIKULUS!" The class stared at the teacher while the boggart went back into its cupboard. "Well, um, class is over early, go ahead." The class stood for a while, but soon shuffled out.

Outside was freezing. Which wasn't surprising since it was winter. "Oh come on, gillyweed has to have the coolest effect!" said Neville. "Come on, we both know it's Moly!" said Hemrione. "Guys I think we can all agree that Aconite is coolest, come on, wolfsbane?" said Vye. Neville nodded and continued walking through the snow towards the greenhouse. "Oh god, Lavender." said Hermione as she turned away. Neville and Vye groan as she gets closer. "Hello, have you seen Ron?" The three all point to the greenhouse, Lavender begins to skip to the small building happily.

Herbology was with the slytherins on Tuesdays, yet Draco, nor Harry were to be found. The class ended quickly, and the next class was inside, so Neville, Hermione and Vye began to walk towards the building. Ahead of them was Ron, swerving and slightly jogging to avoid talking to Lavender.

The day was filled with oddities, from Draco, to Cho, and don't get started on Lavender. The common room was a nice place to be to avoid any more crazy of the day. Homework was already insane, so the three sat by the fire and did what they always do. Usually the common room is joined by a fourth member, yet Harry hadn't been seen since Defense against the dark arts. "I wonder if he's with Cho again?" said Ron with a smirk. Vye nodded, but disagreed silently. "Don't get started on girlfriend's Ron, how's Lavender?" said Hermione. Ron glared at her. "I'M NOT WITH LAVENDER" The girls laughed.

Vye stood up. "I'm gonna go get Harry from ravenclaw's, I don't want him getting caught in the morning. The two nodded and continued to make fun of each other whilst Violet exited the painting hole. The halls were still lit, as night technically had not fallen yet. When Vye reached the end, she turned right instead of left towards the ravenclaw's. She was heading to the infirmary.

When she arrived there was no light on but one by a bedside. Lying asleep in a bed was Draco, and next to him appeared to be Harry. "Harry?" said Vye in a whisper. Harry jumped, quickly standing and stuttering over himself. "I- it's not what it- I dont-" "Whoa Harry, it's ok, relax." said Violet while sitting in the chair next to him. "Vye I-" said Harry as he began to cry. "Harry I know, come here." Vye pulled Harry into a hug, combing through his hair with her fingers. "Vye, I like him, a lot." said Harry. "I know Harry." "I- im so confused!" said Harry while wiping his eyes. "Well Harry, we don't have to put a label on it, But if it makes you feel any better, im lesbian." Harry stared at Vye. "You are?" Violet laughed, "I thought Hermione and I made it obvious at breakfast today. Harry gasped. "Ohhhh, that's what that was?" "Mhm." Harry looked down, fidgeting with his hands. "And Harry don't worry, I won't tell, just, try and make the hickey placement a little less noticeable." Harry giggled and stood. "Come on, let's go get some sleep," said Violet.

When Harry and Vye entered the common room Hermione and Ron faced them. "So where was he?" said Ron. Harry stared at Ron for a bit before Violet intervened. "Found him in Cho's bed." Ron opened his mouth in shock. "THAT'S MY BOY!"Harry smiled, going to sit next to Ron on the couch. Vye sat back down next to Hermione, looking forward to seeing Harry mouth the words "thank you".

Hey guys, It's Lexi, I wanted to use this as a way to tell you guys about something outside of the fanfic realm. Me and my friends "Matt The slytherin boy and Scarpitti the ravenclaw" Have a podcast called M&L Weekly. If you like true crime and comedy, you should totally check it out on youtube. Have a good night or day.-Lexi

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