Chapter 10- Christmas

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Christmas morning started as every morning did at Hogwarts- with a very cold dorm and a sleepy Hermione and Violet snuggling in bed. The air brought them even closer, not to mention the night before, where Violet had made it official. Hermione looked and felt as happy as a girl could be in that situation. Violet felt content, it was a sense of calm knowing Hermione was hers and that was that. Hermione was always the first to wake, and on Christmas it was no different.

"Come on Vye, got to wake up!" said Hermione as she gently shook and poked her shoulder. Violet, still very tired, slowly opened her eyes, but smiled when she saw the visitor. "Morning Mione." Hermione smiled and hopped out of the bed, but before she walked off bent down and gave Violet a kiss on the cheek. "Come on- Christmas!" said the girl holding the dorm door open. Violet got up quick and headed down the stairs, followed by Hermione shortly after. Both were still in their pajamas.

The common room was practically smothered with decorations. Blue and white snowflakes were strung from wall to wall, and green and red blankets were tossed around the furniture. Next to the now tinseled fire place was a humongous Christmas tree. Under the green leafage were presents of different colors, some with bows, others with ribbons. "First ones here," said Violet as she walked around the room. "Want to wake up the boys?" said Hermione with a devious smirk. Violet nodded and tiptoed towards the boys dorms, being as quiet as she could.

The boys dorms were considerably messier than the girls' and some doors had a keep out sign placed on the wood. Violet and Hermione sneaked their way up to the seventh floor and peaked into the door. Inside was Ron sprawled out on the covers. Dean and Seamus were sleeping, and finally a giant lump which was presumed to be Harry in his bed. The girls walked up to Ron's bed, gently tapping him awake. "Huh? Oh-morning," said Ron groggily. The two shushed him and pointed at Harry. Ron smiled and nodded, watching the bed carefully.

Hermione and violet walked up to Harry's bed, quickly pulling back the covers. "RAH!" said Violet as loud as she could. "OH MY GOD!" said Hermione as she closed her eyes. Under the covers was a very scared and naked Draco. "AHHH!" said Violet, quickly followed by a scream from Draco, then Ron. Neville, Dean and Seamus woke as well, emitting loud screams. Harry rushed into the room from the bathroom, wearing only his underwear. "OH MY GOD HARRY!" said Violet as she covered her eyes, stumbling into a coat rack. It went silent for a second, but was soon broken by Ron's laughter. The whole room lit up, laughing at the very uncomfortable prank. "Why don't we just go and open presents," said Hermione as she walked out of the room. The group followed her out, as well as Neville.

They sat in the common room, Neville exited the portrait hole. "So, I'm very excited for gifts this year!" said Draco. Violet smiled and nodded her head. "Me too." Hermione got an idea and stood up. "Accio tea!" A kettle, cups and tea bags came flying down the girls stairs. "Here we go." The group poured their steaming drinks and handed the first present to Hermione. "To Mione, from Violet." Hermione smiled and began to pull the packaging apart. Inside was a long box, almost shaped like a wand. When she opened it, her face said it all- pure happiness.

It was a white snowy owl quill with black specks at the end. She quickly put it back and gave Violet a very big hug. Violet smiled and turned to the tree, picking up a rather large gift. "From Hermione," said Violet. Underneath the paper was a "make it yourself butter-beer kit". Violet jumped with joy and immediately began looking for the instructions. "Wow, slow down Vye, we have all broken," said Harry as he picked up a medium sized package. "From Draco" was written on the front in large letters. Harry opened the package and looked shocked. Inside was a half silver half gold snitch with the initials D+H carved into it. Harry blushed at Draco and tucked the box away. Very pleased with the gift.

Ron picked up a very big gift and read the label. The parcel was wrapped in brown paper and held together with a sage green wax seal. In a very fancy font was the words "From Eleanor..." Ron looks confused and begins to rip the paper off the box. Inside were sweets and snacks from not only Hogsmeade, but Diagon Alley. The group was shocked and began to rummage through. "Who is Eleanor?" said Ron concerned. The rest shrugged and continued to find foods they liked.

After they had finished opening presents they had decided to go on a walk. They put on warm clothes and headed out of the portrait hole. The snow was bright white, and falling from the sky were even more snowflakes. They planned to walk towards the greenhouse, and so they did, but soon spotted Neville and a girl wearing a dark blue ravenclaw sweater. Neville waved and the group ran over as fast as they could in the weather. "Hey Nev," said Harry and they got closer. "Hey guys, this is Eleanor, she's a transfer student, she was at the yule ball!" The group all waved at the girl and Ron blushed.

"Hello, I'm in ravenclaw." The girl smiled, her dark brown hair contrasted with the snow. "Who are you?" said Eleanor to the two girls. "I'm Hermione, this is Violet." Eleanor smirked and nodded. "Nice to meet you."

The group decided to head back and get breakfast, Eleanor still on their minds. They sat down at the table and began to eat. "Man am I lucky if she fancies me!" said Ron excited. Hermione and Violet nodded, both staying rather silent and standoffish towards each other, and the group.

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