Chapter 11- Eleanor and Downfall

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Sunday meant study day for the four. The library wasn't packed with ravenclaws and filch had the day off. Ron and Harry fled to the dragon section, picking out books bound with scaled hide. "Look, this one is on Hungarian Horntails!" said Ron happily, "Charlie works with these." Harry brushed the tips of his fingers over the rough binding, "Wicked."

Back at the table Hermione and Violet were holding hands, smiling over a book about Nifflers. "Oh my god Mione look at this one!" said Violet as she pointed at a baby. Hermione gasped and smiled brightly. Across from them was Neville, reading a book on sunflowers and the uses in magic. Walking towards the Dragon aisle was Eleanor. She was wearing deep black boots and a gray sweater that was purposefully torn. Violet and Hermione watched as she began to talk with Harry and Ron. The girl was touching Ron's shoulder.

"You know I don't trust her, not in the slightest," said Hermione with a scowl. "She was kicked out of Beauxbatons, but was originally from Durmstrang, Dumbledore thinks he can handle her," said Neville, his nose still in his book. Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I don't think anybody can handle her, I can feel it." Hermione turned her head to Violet who was staring at Eleanor. Hermione pulled her hand away and continued reading about nifflers.

Harry and Ron began to walk back to the table, Eleanor close behind them. "Hey guys, mind if El sits with us?" said Ron. Harry looked at Hermione with a worried face, but Violet shook her head yes before she could say anything. The girl pulled a chair out and sat down, placing both her feet on the table. She then pulled out a small black book with silver writing on it, "Dark Magic- The Key To Every Door" Hermione shook her head and cleared her throat. "You shouldn't be reading that, let alone around here!" Eleanor looked up and smirked, "Why don't you get your panties out of a twist Granger." Ron and Violet laughed under their breath, covering their mouths after.

Hermione scoffed and stood, walking away from the table and out of the library. Neville quickly left behind her, soon to be followed by a visibly angered Harry. "Oh what a bunch of wimps, cant handle anything anymore, especially that Granger girl. I knew she was a wuss before I even met her. Where i'm from you have to be tough to survive." said Eleanor as she stood up. "I have to go and study for potions, see you later," said El as she gave Ron a kiss on the cheek. She then turned to Violet and gave a very hidden wink. Violet stood up and cleared her throat, "I should go check on Hermione and all them." Ron nodded and put his head down, very flustered.

The common room was empty except for three students. Sitting on the couch was Hermione, Neville and Harry. "Come on Mione, why don't you put the work down, we have to talk about it and you know it!" said Harry as he leaned closer to the girl. "Shove off Harry!" said Hermione stressed. Violet entered through the portrait hole, mildly aggravated. "What was that all about?" said Vye with her arms crossed. Hermione looked up from her parchment with a disgusted look on her face. "It was just a joke, come on! I guess she was right, you're just a bunch of wimps." Harry shook his head and Neville stood. "Just a joke? You're agreeing with some random girl over your girlfriend! She's bad news Vye how do you not see it?" Violet laughed and looked Neville in the eyes. "Neville maybe if you stopped pushing everyone away you would have some friends for once!" Hermione and Harry looked up at Violet with pure anger on their faces. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" said Hermione. "Fuck you Violet," said Neville.

Violet furrowed her brow and stormed out of the portrait hole, carrying her bag along with her. "I'm so sorry Neville," said Hermione. "It's whatever, do you need us to stay?" Hermione shook her head no and continued writing. Harry nodded and left the room with Neville.

"We can go to the hufflepuff commons, I have a friend there," said Neville. Harry shrugged and nodded his head. "Sure." The two headed towards the kitchen corridor, turning right towards a stack of barrels infested with vines. "What is this all about?" said Harry. "Watch this." Neville then tapped the middle barrel with his wand to the tune of Helga Hufflepuff. The barrel opened, revealing a ladder. "Woah," said Harry.

They both entered a rather large room with a yellow hue. The walls and floor were made of a dark wood, and adorable paintings of badgers hung on the walls. Hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier made of garden lanterns. To the right was a huge round window-- on the sill were tons of plants, all emitting a shimmering glow. Across the room was a long couch that looked hand stitched, and in front of it was a fireplace made of light gray stone. Finally on the left was a snack bar, filled with sweets and drinks.

"This is- wow," said Harry as he looked around. Sitting on the couch was Lexi, Emme, Matt, Pansy, Luna and a girl with dirty blonde hair. On the ground next to the fire was Scarpitti, fiddling with a chess set. Harry and Neville walked over to the group. "Harry? Never see you around here," said Matt. Harry shrugged and sat down with Neville. "Harry this is Amber," said Neville happily. Amber smiled and put out her hand. Harry shook it and leaned back. Luna looked down at her wrist, a lavender and black watch was ticking with a unicorn running across the clock. "Oh, Scarpitti we must go, we will miss the unicorns crossing!" Scarpitti stood quickly, intertwining his fingers with Lunas. "See you guys later!"

Harry looked over at the others. Matt was sitting with Pansy on his lap, both were laughing at a piece of paper. Pansy was holding a bright red spray paint can. Next to them was Lexi and Emme. Emme was laying down, her legs over Lexi-- both were chatting about recent Hogwarts drama. "No yeah, Mconagall found Lupin and Tonks in his office," said Emme. Lexi shook her head and gasped. Harry looked at Amber, who was roasting a marshmallow in the fire. "So Nev, how's Eleanor?" Neville shook his head, "Worse than before." "Wait, you know Eleanor?" said Harry. "Yeah, we both live in the same place back home, I have Neville watching her for me." Neville nodded and began to talk about Christmas Roses with Amber.

Harry crossed his arms, staring into the fire. His mind was drifting to the well being of Hermione, and the fate of his friend group with Eleanor around.

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