Chapter 7- Lavenders Mistake

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Class the next day had been rather uneventful. Harry looked a lot happier after telling Vye how he felt, and Draco was back to proper health. The day started with herbology, but they got a study hall due to the weather. The dorms now had not only the fireplace but a heating spell cast on them, and every dorm and common room was decorated with red holly berries and mistletoe. "Quite odd they put up mistletoe considering the first years are only eleven," said Harry as he walked through the portrait hole. "Too bad you aren't ravenclaw, you could snog Cho all you want!" said Ron as he gave Harry a pat on the back. "Yeah, totally..." said Harry as he rolled his eyes.

    "Why arent we talking about how the yule ball is in two days, Friday guys come on!" said Hermione excitedly. "That's because we have nobody to take Hermione, especially not you," said Ron. "Incorrect, I am taking her," said Vye as she wrapped her arm around the girl. "That doesn't count!" said Ron upset. "Mhm sure, you'll see." Ron looked at Harry confused. "What is that supposed to mean?"

    "Oh nevermind all that, we have to pick up our dresses, and we have to shop so why don't we go to hogsmeade," said Hermione happily. "I could really go for a chocolate frog right about now," said Ron with a smile. "We know Ron."

    When the group arrived at hogsmeade they immediately split up to do their shopping. Harry stuck with Violet and Ron with Hermione. Violet thought Ron and Hermiones love hate friendship was adorable, yet her and Harry never seemed to fight. "So where are we off to first VeeVee," said Harry as he put his hands on his waist. "We have to go to Scrivenshafts, Hermione saw a snowy owl quill last week and practically melted over it." The two walked in the snow towards a stone built shop with one large, rounded window the color of muted red. "This is perfect, look it has black specks on the end." Harry nodded and the two walked to the front of the store, paid and then left.

    "Now we need to go to honeydukes, I need to get something for Ron, Draco and maybe Hermione if they still have it," said Harry as he brushed snow off his coat. "Aw, look at you two lovebirds, buying gifts for each other already?" said Violet sarcastically. "Oh be quiet, you just bought Hermione a five galleon quill- and may I add, how long have you been dating?" Violet looked at her feet as she walked. "To be honest Harry, we haven't really made it official." Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Draco asked me that night in the prefect's bathroom, after we-" "NOPE, DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THAT!" Harry giggled and looked down at his feet as well. "Vye you gotta ask at some point, I don't want you to lose Hermione to I don't know, that ravenclaw boy." "The first year Scarpitti?" said Vye, confused. "No, the fourth year, what's his name, John I think? He's in the choir." Vye scoffed and shook her head, "We both know Hermione would NEVER date a choir boy."

    Honeydukes smelt of sugar and mint. Every aisle was filled with townspeople's children trying to find gifts for their loved ones. "Come on, Draco and Ron's are in the fifth aisle," said Harry as he pushed his way around kids. The aisle was covered in green and red, it was definitely the most festive of them all. "Look, it's a Viktor Krum cauldron cake." Violet looked at Harry, impressed and headed back down the aisle. "What for Draco?" Harry nodded and followed Vye down the aisle. "Green apple lollies, there his favorite- they even have peppermint swirls in them as well." Violet smiled and nodded. "He will love them."

    "Now what about that candy for Hermione?" said Vye curious. Harry looked up and down the rows. "Ah good, they still have em. I was worried the Pumpkin Pasties would be gone due to fall." Violet nodded and they walked up to the register. They paid and exited the shop, very excited about christmas. On their way out they ran into a familiar face, Draco Malfoy. "Oh hi!" said Vye. Draco was holding a medium sized bag from Dervish and Bangs. He quickly hid the bag behind his back and walked away. "Well, that was odd."

    The two entered the three broomsticks and felt a wave of warmth wash over them. The heat was amazing compared to the snow on their faces all the time. "Hello, what may I get you?" said a man wearing an apron. "I'll have a butterbeer, hot please," said Harry. "I'll have pumpkin juice, cold," said Vye. The man nodded and waved a wand, instantly there were two glasses sitting on the table. The man did a bow and left to go serve other customers. "So, you taking Draco to the ball on Friday?" said Vye while drinking her juice. "I don't know, he doesn't really want to make things public." Violet tilted her head. "He's hiding you?" she said upset. "Well I guess, I would be fine to be in the public, I am just waiting for his signal." Violet shook her head. "You gotta get on that Harry, he should want to show you off." Harry nodded and took a sip of his drink.

    A loud crash was heard from the front of the building. Coming through the door was Lavender brown, sobbing. All the customers of the shop looked at her with wide eyes. Harry stared and then bowed his head as she walked to her table. "I-I need you- to give this to- my Ronniekins," said Lavender through her tears. Then she continued to hand Harry a note and walk out of the shop in a dramatic manner. "Ronniekins? That's a new one." Harry handed the note to Violet. She opened in and read in her head, soon gasping and covering her face with her hand. "What?" said Harry. Violet cleared her throat and began to read. "I forgot to use the protection spell." Harry choked on his drink and hiccuped slightly. "Are you telling me Ron got somebody pregnant?" said Harry whilst whispering.

    Vye was interested but stared at the note blankly, soon setting it down on the table. "It's not our problem until Ron asks for help, ok?" Harry nodded and took a deep breath. Almost on cue Ron and Hermione entered the pub, laughing happily. "Ron, I need you to sit down," said Violet seriously. "Uh, ok," said Ron, a giant smile still on his face. Violet handed the note to Ron, holding her breath as he read. "Shit." said Ron as he brushed his hair back. "Do not and i mean do NOT tell anybody ok? I'll figure things out." Ron then exited the pub, the note still in his hand. "Wait, what happened?" said Hermione as she sat down. "Ron got Lavender pregnant," said Harry blankly. Hermione gasped and covered her face, soon calling over the waiter for a pumpkin juice, then to sit in silence with the others.

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