Chapter 9- The Yule Ball

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Christmas Eve was always suspenseful, with gifts and the joy of snow waiting for you the next day. But the students of Hogwarts were all very excited for the Yule Ball, which luckily, was happening that evening. In a few hours time one thousand kids would pack into the great hall and dance the night away.

Hermione and Violet sat silently at the table, holding hands and eating their dinner. The two boys, Harry and Ron sat across from them as usual, being complete idiots. "No Harry- I really do think Filch and Dumbledore were a thing!" said Ron as he was looking in an old school yearbook. "And WHAT makes you think that Ron." Ron then pointed to one of the photos, a young Dumbledore and Filch were sitting in the library holding hands whilst studying. "Oh my god Ron- you're actually right for once!"

The girls chuckled, Violet looking up at Harry and Ron. "So who did you two muster up the courage to ask to the ball?" Ron smirked and wrapped his arm around Harry. "This is my date right here." He then winked and gave Harry a peck on the cheek. "EW YOU LITTLE! BLEGH!" said Harry as he pulled away from Ron. "Sure he's taking me- BUT DON'T YOU THINK WERE TOGETHER!" Ron brushed his hair back, "Lets see if you still say that after tonight." Harry rolled his eyes and continued to eat his chicken.

Ron peered down at the end of the table. Sitting in one of the last seats was Lavender, chatting with her friends as usual. "Ron, how is it- I mean after the whole thing?" Ron shook his head and sighed. "She said it would be best we don't see each other, I agreed." All four of them knew that Ron and Lavender were not really in love, and they most definitely weren't ready for a child- let alone a Weasley.

They continued to eat their food, scooping up mashed potatoes- sometimes Ron would steal a eccle cake off of Harry's plate. But soon- just like every meal at hogwarts- the silence is interrupted by a booming voice from the ravenclaw table. Standing on the wood surface was the first year Scarpitti. He was holding his wand up to his throat, using the voice projection spell. "LUNA LOVEGOOD, WILL YOU BE THE QUEEN TO MY BISHOP AND GO TO THE YULE BALL WITH ME!" Near the end of the ravenclaw table a medium short girl with blonde hair stood up and nodded her head. The room was silent for a few seconds until the hall began to clap and cheer. The boy then walked to the end of the table, jumping into her arms- and then she carried him off.

When dinner had finished the group walked to the common rooms, full and content with their emotions. "So- since we were all paired as dates, we should split- leave it a surprise," said Ron as he raised an eyebrow. Harry and Violet nodded and began to talk to the boys dorm, Hermione and Ron went to the girls. "So let's see it!" said Violet as Harry pulled out his outfit."HARRY YOU WILL LOOK LIKE A MUGGLE MAGICIAN!" said Violet as she wheezed. "WELL IF MINES SO BAD LETS SEE YOURS!" Violet then pulled out her outfit. It was deep red with black floral embroidery. The shoulders were bare, but it had side sleeves that were slightly poofy. It would hug her waist, but then flow into a semi-long train. She also pulled out a tiara- it was silver with intricate black and maroon jewels. Her shoes were matte black platform boots, with lace scattered about the base.

    Harry looked at her eyes wide. "Ok well I can't even say anything about yours so this isn't fair." Violet smiled and slid a curtain to cover one side of the room. "Get dressed!" said Vye as she took off her uniform.

    Harry had finished changing quickly, he sat on his bed, slicking his hair back with cheap gel. He tugged at his sleeves a couple times, even thinking about skipping the jacket portion all together- which did kind of make him look like a muggle magician. The curtain then suddenly opened to reveal Violet.

    Her pale skin contrasted with the dress perfectly, her black hair draped over her shoulders, and the shoes made her significantly taller. Harry looked taken back when he saw the gown. "Vye if I liked women I think you'd be the one." Violet smiled and looked in the mirror, "Well Harry if I liked Men I'd think you were going to pull a rabbit out of a hat." Harry looked offended and began to walk out of the dorm and into the common room.

    Sitting on the couch was Ron and Hermione, Ron was in a frilly and shocking suit while Hermione was draped in pink with a bow around her waist. She had on a small pair of black heels and her hair was tied up perfectly. Violet and Hermione stared at each other for a while, just looking at each other's beauty, until Violet held out her hand and Hermione took it, now standing besides her date. Ron locked arms with Harry, beginning to walk out of the portrait hole. "You're my boyfriend until we make Draco jealous," said Ron. Harry scoffed and laughed.

    The great hall's warm ambiance turned to a chilling whitish blue. The windows were covered with deep blue curtains, and a large stage sat at the front of the room. On the stage was a gigantic Christmas tree, taller than most skyscrapers, but on the stage as well was a muggle band whose members were wizards, Mother Mother. In the middle of the room was a large dance floor, and circling in was many round tables.

    Sitting at one table were the three first years and their dates. Scarpitti was of course with Luna, he had a simple black tux with a pink pocket square to match his date who was wearing a shiny ruffled dress with black stockings. Matt had coordinated brown and black outfits with Pansy Parkinsons. Then finally Lexi and her date who was another hufflepuff first year named Emme. Lexi was wearing a black lace and chiffon princess style dress. The shoulders were off and jewels hung from the side sleeves. Her shoes were heels studded with spikes, and she wore a black and silver jewel crown. Her curly hair was done in a braid. Her date on the other hand was wearing a baby pink dress with lace and silk, it was poofy like Lexi's but more layered. It had buttons running up the front and chiffon ruffled sleeves. A pearl and bead necklace was hanging off of her neck, leading down into the front of the attire. Her shoes were black pumps with a chunky heel, white socks with frills sat underneath them. Emme's blonde hair went down to her back, a pink flower crown sat around her head.

The four of them sat at a table with Neville and his date, who was Ginny. Near them was the slytherin table, and Draco had a very upset look on his face when he had seen Harry with Ron. "So, how was- oh my god Violet and Hermione," said Ginny as the group sat down. "YOU LOOK AMAZING! RIGHT NEV?" Neville smiled and gave a thumbs up, but continued to examine the flowers in the center of the table.

    "HOW IS EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT!" said the band as the rest of the school sat down. The crowd cheered and whooped as the group began to play their number one song, Hayloft. "Come on! This is our song!" said Violet as she dragged the group onto the dance floor.

    The friends started to dance almost instantly, Hermione and Vye were spinning each other whilst Ron had started twerking on Harry. Next to them was Lexi, Scarpitti, Emme, and Luna. All three were jamming to the music while Matt and Pansy stood there with the look of a disappointed parent. Draco was still at his table, that was until he walked over to the dance circle and locked eyes with Harry. The school began to whisper and the circle opened to where the only two of them were left. It was a standoff for a while. Draco then ran forward, dipping Harry and pulling him into a kiss. The school gasped, but soon cheered at the sight.

    After a night of loud and fast music the band began to play slow songs. The couples or dates paired up and slowed danced to the soft and gentle chords. Emme and Lexi stand out, as their dresses contrast beautifully. Matt and Pansy were surprisingly having a good time, and Scarpitti and Luna had sat back down and began to happily chat about their love for wizards chess. Draco and Harry were standing together near the middle of the room. Draco had wrapped his arms around Harry as tight as he could. "Harry, I'm so sorry for what I did, more like what I didn't do." Harry nodded and rubbed his back, "It's okay Draco, I know you're trying- I see that, we all see that."

    Violet and Hermione were gently swaying, Hermione had rested her head on Violets shoulder. Both felt stuck in time, like the happy moment would never end. It was clear that all around them was love, platonically or romantically- whether it be common interests like chess, or the feeling of security. It was the feeling of love that made the room feel so warm, despite the cold and bare look. It was love that made Violet stop and think to herself.

    "Hermione?" said Vye. Hermione pulled away from Violet and looked up at her. "Yes?" Violet smiled whilst looking at the girl that meant everything to her. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Hermione smiled and laid her head on Vye's chest, "Of course I will."

Lexi here! I wanted to pop in and say that this is NOT the end of the story, also go check out Scarpittis HP fanfic At What Cost by looking up his user (Information-1-4) Thank you!

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