Chapter 12- Guilt and Passion

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The sound of rain pattering on glass filled the commons. The snow that was just there yesterday had all gone- due to Dumbledore's magic, and just the terrible weather in England. Sitting on the couch was Neville and Harry, both silent in a somber manner. Hermione sat in a yellow-orange armchair, wearing a pink shirt and gray pajama pants. She was staring into the fire, watching the glowing embers pop and crackle.

    The sound of the painting opening filled the room, but only Harry looked that way. Neville stayed focused on Hermione, and Hermione was still staring at the fire, a tear trickling down her bright red cheek. Standing in the doorway was Violet, wearing a sweater and holding books. Harry stared at the disheveled girl in disgust, he shook his head and she turned and headed towards the dorms.

    Harry sighed, placing one hand on his knee and the other rubbing his forehead. "I-I can't do this right now, I'm sorry I just need a second okay? I'm going to meet Draco, I'll be back by morning," said Harry as he left the room. Neville stood as well, placing one hand on Hermione's shoulder, "Mione I gotta go okay? I promise I'll be back, I promised Amber I'd look at sunflowers with her." Hermione sat still, watching the flames dance. She nodded her head, an almost peaceful look on her face.

    Hermione tore her gaze away from the fire and to her sleeves, she tugged at them, slowly standing and walking away from the comfort of her armchair. Her eyes fell on the dorms, she began to wander towards the stairs, a numbing cold washed over her as she got closer, yet the temperature never changed-- it was her mind. As she walked into the room the light was off, and laying on the bed next to hers was Violet. Hermione stared at the girl expressionless for a while, until a muffled sob emitted from her mouth.

    "So- this is how it's going to be then huh?" said Hermione running her fingers through her hair. Violet looked at her blankly. "Mione, I'm sorry, I thought we were just joking, it was all in good fun. I know Eleanor didn't mean any of that! And it doesn't matter because I will always like you-- I will always choose you Mione," said Violet as she walked closer. Violet pulled Hermione into an embrace, the crying girl placed her head on Vyes chest. Violet knew Eleanor meant every word she had said, but it wasn't something she could say, especially not now, and she stuttered over the world always, creating doubt in a somewhat perfect relationship.

    "I'm going to go to bed now, just let me sleep for a bit, I've had a rough day," said Hermione as she crawled into bed. Violet nodded and opened the door. "I'm going to the prefect bathrooms, the toilets are clogged in here and I can't get the spell to work."

    Violet marched down the halls of Hogwarts, running her hand along the walls. Soon she arrived at the bathroom. She entered the room lit only by the moon and the glimmer of light from the fountain that sat in the center. Vye looked into the mirror as she turned on the faucet. She splashed her face and sighed, feeling the weight of emotions and chaos from the day. Suddenly she heard a toilet flush.

    Violet turned around quickly. A very bed ready Eleanor exited the stall. "I-oh sorry I'll get out of your way," said Vye as she began to walk out. "Wait, Violet," said Eleanor, "what's going on with you and Granger? She seems so stuck up Vye, you know you can do better, right?" Violet stared at the girl, soon sitting down on the side of the fountain. She rested her head in her hands and cleared her throat. "I- I can't, just not now," said Violet. Violet didn't know what couldn't happen "now" or why it couldn't happen, or why she couldn't answer Eleanors question, it seemed the truth was something hard to swallow.

    "I get it Vye, I've been there..." said Eleanor as she placed her hand on Violets back. Vye looked up at the girl with messy hair and a tank top. "Just send the signal when..." But soon Violet was leaning closer, staring at only Eleanors blue eyes. El leaned in closer, locking Violet in with an intoxicating kiss. Violet felt all the stress and anger and disagreements she had with Hermione lift off her shoulders. The passion she was feeling now was high she had to ride out, or it would be gone too fast. The feeling of danger, doing something you're not supposed to, it made Violet shiver, but with joy and pleasure. It felt like this danger and thrill was exactly what she had been seeking for.

    Eleanor pulled away and smirked, trying to go back in for more, but Violet pulled away. "Oh shit," said Vye as she ran out the door. She ran as fast as she could, she didn't know how late it could be. Her feet hurt from rug burn, but she never slowed down, she only got faster.

    The commons were colder than before, maybe it was the tank top and wind, or the chills and adventurous behavior, but there was a nagging feeling it was guilt, passion, and confusion all mixed together. She ran into the dorm, stopping only when she saw Hermione sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Violet stopped and shut the door, sliding down the bare wood as tears streamed down her face.

    Mrs Kreaks class was taught in the library only on wednesdays. It was an optional class students could take if they wanted better grades, or extra credit. Many students took the class, not for the grades, but the excellent stories the teacher would tell-- like how Romeo and Juliet is a lie, and how Voldemort actually poisoned Romeo.

    The blonde hufflepuff named Emme raised her hand at the mention, "I'm sorry but- who is Romeo?" said the girl confused. The class chuckled as the period ended, soon every student had exited the room. Violet watched as Matt and Pansy passed by, their fingers intertwined and their cheeks bright red. The horrible feeling of wrongness filled her mind again, but she could not stop thinking about Eleanor, and how she felt that rush when she was with her, yet it was always the same with Mione. "BOO!" said a girl behind her. "AH, God Hermione you can't do that!" said Violet as she stormed down the hall.

    Hermione scoffed, it seemed Vye had gone back to the hateful mood from the day previous. She turned her head and watched as Matt and Pansy wrote with red spray paint on prefects posters, both happily giggling. It made her sick. Hermione dashed to the commons, not even caring about the next class, but that dreadful feeling of aloneness. She had never felt it before, Harry, Ron and Vye had always been there, But Harry had Draco, Ron was still love struck, and Violet had chosen Eleanor over her. Hermione sat in the armchair, staring into the fire once more, another tear escaping her grasp. Her mind wandered away from her, as she was locked prisoner in her own mind-- thinking of the only thing she had gone, Violet.

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